Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

i find the watchtower to be a highly entertaining good quick read. I always take it and always thankful for one. and its free!
Common Sense... Common sense... you don't hear those words coming out of a scientist too often. The thought here is that the J and J vaxx could be casing an immune resonse for those that had been recently infected with the actual covid virus, which would attack the lining of the blood vessels and cause clotting.

This doc happens is on the chain email list that I get a lot of info from. Also on that list is RFK Jr. Andy Wakefield, James lyons-Weiller. Much of the conversation there is way over my pay grade.
Common sense while posting tucker hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
I used to despise him myself.. feels odd to be on the same side as the hard right, but sometimes that's where the truth is. Just like when Michael Moore and Pat Buchanan both saying the same thing in opposing the Gulf war... Iraq is not our enemy. Iraq is Israel's enemy. Why are we fighting THEIR WAR... That's what they both said. A place where the hard right and the hard left come together.
The Dems have completely sold out to big pharma... they are the ones pushing vaxxines... what happened to "our bodies.. our choice" ? that was a major pillar of their platform. So Dems used to say you have a choice with your body as long as that is just killing an unborn human being, but not when it comes to vaxxines. Those you have to get because it's a matter of corporate profits.

I hate to say it (REALLY) but Tucker makes perfect sense to me. Listen to this:

Why don't you make yet another: "the vaccine WILL kill you" thread and fill it with accounts of every single person who may or may not have died because of side effects.
That way you can really scare everybody.
Then Frankie can post his: " the vaccine will give you mad cow disease" links there as well.
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I was my old mechanic yesterday to catch up and ask a question about brakes. He moved back to Ireland last summer. Tells me his Dad suffered a stroke after getting the J and J due to a blood clot and now they have to check with a whole-body scan to see if he has any more lingering clots that could break loose and go to his heart or brain. One degree of separation from people I talk to on the phone fairly regularly is a long way from one in a million.

Faucci reports that they shut the J and J vaxx down because of 6 reports of adverse effects. how much sense does that make? That lie was told to not alarm anyone about the dangers of vaxxines. Did you fall for that propaganda too? J and J has been permanently banned in several countries. They didn't do that because of adverse effects in one in a million.
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I find it ironic that last year it was about that one covid death (and sympathies to anyone who suffered a loss) but now for some reason anything to do with the possibility of the vaccine causing / contributing ........ deafening silence. An eyebrow-raising read here, it seems the truth is often stranger than fiction Did Vaccines Cause Spanish Flu Deaths? (1918) - https://henrymakow.com/001836.html
I had heard that before. Spanish flu was a worldwide flu and did not start in Spain. It was only called the Spanish flu because Spain was the only country that allowed newspaper reports about the disease. It actually started in military forts in the US and likely a result of vaxxine given to soldiers. The German intelligence from Mueller is news to me. Good find!

Sweden avoids lockdowns and has only 1.7 deaths per million even though infection rates are high. Compared to European average of 4.5 for countries that have lockdowns. Sweden is using Ivermectin... I need to double check that. note that other Scandinavian countries have lower death rates. by that's still an impressive number
I had heard that before. Spanish flu was a worldwide flu and did not start in Spain. It was only called the Spanish flu because Spain was the only country that allowed newspaper reports about the disease. It actually started in military forts in the US and likely a result of vaxxine given to soldiers. The German intelligence from Mueller is news to me. Good find!

Yep, yep and yep, a journal called "Vaccine liberation" is where we find the unbiased truth about the Spanish flu.
I heard that it was a vaccine that killed off the dinosaurs and not an asteroid by the way.
The Illuminati was behind that, too.
And princess Diana was killed by the British royals and the moon landing was faked and 9/11 was a CIA job and we are bred by aliens to mine for gold and....and...and...and, it never ends with you, does it.
Yeppers , sounds real safe to me ... Experimental Vaccines that can kill healthy people when the cervesza-bug cannot. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of “Youth in Asia”
I just got off the phone from a friend in Regina Canada. I believe that's Saskatchewan. She's a highly respected internist. She reports that the hospitals are full and the ICUs are overflowing with 30-year-olds that have the English variant. Because it is so highly contagious, 100% of cases are the new strain and................................... wait for it......................... The vaxxine doesn't offer immunity.. so all those people that marched like sheep to the slaughter to get the vaxx, because someone told them to, are now at risk for who knows what long-term health effects, and have no immunity to present infection.
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The issue here is that there may be potentially thousands of Covid variants as the virus changes over time. We just might have been better off just letting it run it’s course as we’ve always done previously instead of allowing it to fester with the lockdowns and subsequent damage to the economy 🤷. Fauci speaks of a “universal vaccine” which is preposterous! This saga gets more bizzare when looking at a return to “normal”. If I were a betting man I’d wager they are making it up as they go along
...and 9/11 was a CIA job

Anyone that doesn't know that is clueless. You are proving my point. as you have done many times in the past...thank you

and in other news.. the vaxx chain email list, which is full of renowned (and sometimes infamous) doctors and scientists is sharing examples of all the information that is betting pulled from the web these days. Lots of their bookmarked pages are not to be found anymore. Even that link on the Nuremberg code posted above. They have to go to archive.org to find them.

this is the kind of thing they talk about.. way over my head:

One possibility is they have minimized intracellular modmRNA recognition (TLR3/7/8) as claimed but the lipid nanoparticles act as extracellular adjuvant thus achieving immunogenicity for the expressed S proteins?
On 4/13/21 1:01 PM, Sin Lee wrote:
There are two questions here.

1. Did the chemically-modified uridine nucleotides in nanoparticles packaged with phospholipids and PEG protectives behave the same way in immunology as the pure modified nucleotides? Phospholipids are TLR agonist.

2. If no TLR activation occurs, in theory the pure S protein (peptides) being produced would be a poor antigen. It needs proinflammatory cytokines to boost immune response to any protein antigens. We learned that from using complete Freund's adjuvant in rabbits.

The nanoparticles are self-adjuvant. By definition the pseudourindine mRNA nanoparticles must activate TLRs.

S. H.
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What is the idea of quoting science that you even admit, you don't understand?
Do you think it makes you come off as smart.
That is like when Frankie steals other people's writings and try to pass them off as his own, rather pathetic.
Pointing out that according to these docs and scientists there is a lot of information disappearing from the web. another example given was the use of biological warfare against Native Americans with the smallpox blankets.
The censorship of anything that does not agree with the official narrative has encompassed the entire internet, this is easily proven and is Precisely what China did years back as a precursor to their 200,000,000 camera face recognition skynet panopticon! We may choose to ignore reality but we cannot escape it’s impact. You can ignore reality but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. The sheep spend their entire lives fearing the wolf only to be slaughtered by the shepherd.