Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

It’s when you start banging on about the gulf war again as if that somehow proves your point that the eyes start rolling in the head.
There’s no equivalency. One thing does not equal another.
Perhaps , but one in good conscience simply cannot deny the pattern. This c-19 has been so heavily politicized it’s mind-boggling and now a FDA EUA (emergency use authorization) vaccine is being injected into folk in what has become the largest human experiment in history! This is no “conspiracy theory” it is occurring as we speak! Despite what others may claim , censorship on this issue is alive and well and this has been proven to my satisfaction, the fact that ANY viewpoint that goes against the msm is simply discarded should raise eyebrows. IF / When the death toll rises astronomically in the near future it will simply be blamed on “mutations” and the answer will be “more vaccine”, in fact they are already talking about “booster”shots on a regular basis.
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I drove from Philly to DC twice to protest the last Gulf War. I'd guess there were close to half a million people marching in the streets on the second day. I got home and my wife told me she had been listening to the news and there wasn't a peep about the protests. if you weren't in the US at the time, you wouldn't be aware of story after story, a constant blitz on weapons of mass destruction on every major media platform. I read the British intelligence report on Iraq which said Iraq had the capability to launch chemical warheads in 45 minutes and called it BS in 15 minutes. Complete propaganda designed to sell a premeditated war to the people.

how did a tree cutter driving around with a pickup truck and a chainsaw get that right when everyone in the state department and congress and the media, including the left radio, NPR get it so wrong.

this is the best example of media manipulation to act as a tool of thought control that anyone who lived through must remember.

it's clear that the people who planned this war had enough pull to gain full compliance from the media. It was universal.

And that's what we are seeing today with pro vaxx propaganda being pushed by all major media. the difference today is that the little guy has a platform on social media. And what do we see there? hundreds of doctors and nurses, and scientists calling the mainstream narrative BS. Thus is a new phenomenon. there's never been anything like it.

I bet if we were all honest here there would be very few of the members that didn't fall for the pro war mainstream media lies in an all out blitz running up to the war. you know who you are and you know you got fooled. why did you get fooled?

Because you're easily manipulated. you are the masses and you're stupid. you've been trained to believe what you were taught and do what you were told since you learned how to talk. And you went along because that was easier than learning to think for yourself and deal with the social fallout of bucking the system. You're stupid twice. Once for getting fooled, and secondly for not learning a lesson from it.

In the words of the most famous vaxxine damaged character in the world, "stupid is as stupid does". So go get your vaxxines.
You cannot help these people , they are demoralized/brainwashed to such a degree that they will refuse to listen to reason. You can show them the evidence, use situations that occurred in the past showing deceitful behavior on the part of the pharmaceutical companies/govt etc and they simply will not believe it , in fact they are so gone they will actually defend the very institutions attempting to harm them! It’s the ignorant/ arrogant “I know better” mentality on full display
These guys are top-tier medical doctors and researchers. This is an observational study, and it was run by the treatment staff, which gives Kyle room to say .. that's BS man.. nothing but placebo-controlled, double-blind peer-reviewed means a thing. Guess what Kyle... someone has to pay for that type of science and the folks that hold the purse strings are manipulated by big pharma's money so you're not likely to see unbiased science from them anytime soon. And these types of observational cannot and are not dismissed. They are the type of science that builds a pattern that leads to more expensive and long-term studies. And the results here are so overwhelmingly positive it would be foolish to dismiss them.

Their conclusions are very clear. They are not calling for more studies. They are calling for immediate implementation of this protocol.

As a result, our early ambulatory treatment regimen was associated with estimated 87.6% and 74.9% reductions in hospitalization and death respectively, p<0.0001. Conclusions: We conclude that early ambulatory, multidrug therapy is associated with substantial reductions in hospitalization and death compared to available rates in the community. Prompt ambulatory treatment should be offered to high-risk patients with COVID-19 instead of watchful watching and late-stage hospitalization for salvage therapies.

But that's the thing, without studies it's not science based. You might as well snort rhino horn and eat tiger balls
You just descibed yourself to a T, Frankie.
I’m intelligent/wise enough to know that of all that can be known , I know very little. I’m not describing myself to a T, despite your opinion, but rather others who , despite being shown mountains of evidence contrary to their position, by several members here on the house , choose to stubbornly insist that they , and they alone, know better. News Flash : They do not. Time will tell , mark my words .... If someone feels that taking this vaccine 💉 will benefit them (for whatever personal / medical reason) then take it and then move along , the “results” of this so-called vaccine (actually gene therapy) experiment (and the psyop , 5th generation warfare being used against the populace) will be seen soon enough. Later tater
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But that's the thing, without studies it's not science based. You might as well snort rhino horn and eat tiger balls
Or take an EUA (emergency use authorization) vaccine (which isn’t a vaccine by definition, rather a gene therapy) which has not been thoroughly tested in humans and long-term effects are unknown. I’d call that a wash 🧽
Its difficult to look at risk vs reward when the risks are completely unknown. If you mess with the human immune system, you're playing with fire. You play with fire and you can get burned. What's going to happen if 20% of the people that take this vaxxine develop a chronic auto-immune disorder in the next 10 years? Even 5% would be a huge public health disaster. immense human suffering, huge cost to productivity crippling the economy, and huge profits for big pharma and the medical-industrial complex. Anyone who says yes to the vaxxines is voluntarily consenting to participate in the largest human medical experiment in history. No matter what the damages on this one, it's unlikely that big pharma or the government agencies that promoted their poisons will take any responsibility or face any blowback for their actions. The media will sweep it under the rug. I will go on record right now saying I think the big one is yet to come. Just like Oklahoma City was a test run for 911, to make sure the planners of those false flag attacks could control the narrative and get away with their evil deeds, Covid is likely just a test run for the big one yet to come. Give it 3-5 years and there will be another pre-planned manmade virus pandemic that is more deadly. And again it will be problem-reaction-solution. The masses will do as they are told and take the vaxxine. Those vaxxines are the ones that will cripple humanity and allow the implementation of a police state and the demise of freedom as we know it. WHY? Because the people let the government get away with it. There will be no congressional hearing about the origins of Sars CoV-2, just as there were no hearings about where the intelligence went wrong on weapons of mass destruction. The level of thought control has been honed to a fine science and the people are helpless to think for themselves. The people are a bunch of sheep being lead to the slaughter, and that's the likely outcome here, no matter what resistance is put up. The resistance might not be able to win this one, but we are men and women of conscience and we have to try.
Frankie, at least those of us who have taken the vaccine, don't preach about it.

The never ending doom sermon from you and Murphy is just getting tiresome.
Both of you go on and on and on, like you were a couple of energizer bunnies.

Like I've said before, it is like having the Jehova's witnesses knock on the front door 13 times daily.
Frankie, at least those of us who have taken the vaccine, don't preach about it.

The never ending doom sermon from you and Murphy is just getting tiresome.
Both of you go on and on and on, like you were a couple of energizer bunnies.

Like I've said before, it is like having the Jehova's witnesses knock on the front door 13 times daily.

If I were you I’d disconnect the buzzer for Frankie, let him ring away unanswered. He is a waste of time.
See ya ! Now go try and abuse someone else ... Oh it won’t be long now :sleeping:
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Let the babies 👶 take their ball and go home, its not like either Mick or Stig were contributing anything worthwhile on this particular topic anyhow , other than the incessant whining / same bull 💩 over and over and over. Let those 2 birds stay in threads more suited to their intellectual prowess ... or lack thereof :D
, it is like having the Jehova's witnesses knock on the front door 13 times daily.
When they knock on my door I start quoting the Bible. Genesis 6... the sons of the Gods looked upon the daughters of man and found them beautiful and took them for wives. and from them were born heros of old, men of great renowned.

then move on to reincarnation... Jesus told Peter that John the Baptist was Elijah returned as per the proficies. that pretty much shuts them up and they never come back
I just sick my dogs on them.
They don't return after that.

Somehow their trust in the god, they are on a mission to my doorstep for, evaporates, when they are faced with big barking dogs.

Run, Forest, run!
I used to work with a holy roller. He told me once Jehovahs knocked on his door, he invited them in, and proceeded to lecture them for an hour. They probably regretted that house call :^D
You think they would, but they don't. I've always been nice to them, they are simply doing what they believe is right. They mean no harm, and want to help you, but can be annoying. I mean, it's kinda their job, and i tend to let people do their job because i also don't always enjoy work lol. I usually just tell them thx but I'm catholic, God bless, and they go on to the next one.
I've only had them come to my door a couple times. I've been approached on the street a bunch of times though. I'm always polite. I just say "no thanks", and that's it. I've never had any that were pushy or anything.