Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

Daniel, last time you posted about Denmark and Covid ( That was the incredibly stupid one about us having to show Corona passport ( Wich wasn't even a thing then) in order to pass the "armed guards" at DTU, the technical university.

I called BULLSHIT on that, you just scrugged and went on to post more bullshit.

Now this one :|:
She is not the head of Denmark's health agency, that is Søren Brostrøm.

Please show me some evidence that she has been vaccinated!

She is not frontline personnel or severily ill.

So far we have not vaccinated young, strong people.
As a matter of fact, none of the 179 members of parliament has been vaccinated, because they don't want to be seen using their position to put them ahead of the general population ( We hate corruption here!)

I'm amazed that you didn't find one of the Greek "news" sites that told she died right there.
( Don't you speak Greek?, get Frankie to help you. He speaks any language by Google Translate.
Any language but polite, that is.

So, unless you can prove that she was vaccinated, which I can't ( And I speak Danish) I'll have to conclude that once again, you have posted some unadulterated BULLSHIT, simply because it fit into your narrative.

So, that was 2 in a row.

Now you'll shrug this off, of course and go on posting crap.
So, unless you can prove that she was vaccinated, which I can't ( And I speak Danish) I'll have to conclude that once again, you have posted some unadulterated BULLSHIT, simply because it fit into your narrative.
While I admit that I did not confirm that she was vaxxed... the fact that you have no evidence to the contrary would suggest that there have not been reports that she was not vaxxed... SO that is reminiscent of the post-Hagler death media blitz that claimed his death had nothing to do with getting vaxxed, but then NONE of the reports said anything about whether he was vaxxed and when it happened or with which vaxx. Given the all-out pro-vaxx media bias, its clear that if Hagler had not been vaxxed, that would have been reported. SO by the mere absence of reporting on the subject, it is unarguably logical to assume that Hagler was vaxxed, especially if you consider that Hearns reported Hagler was having problems after the vaxx.

Now maybe not so in Denmark, but from my perspective, the fact that the media is not claiming that she was not vaxxed, is a strong indicator that she was. If you're going to call BS, then you need to prove she wasn't vaxxed. If you're going to call it an unsubstantiated claim, then we can agree on that. IMO it's unsubstantiated but likely.

You love to call names because that's usually all you got, except that one post. ANd to tell you the truth, I put up stuff about Denmark in part to use you as a fact-checker. Knowing that you will correct anything that is off. There was a long list of reported facts in that email that I copied and pasted here, and you only found the one claim to be false. And that was just one my post out of all the hundreds of my posts about the dangers of vaxxines. You keep going back to it as proof that everything I say must be BS. You only have that one post you keep pointing to as BS.. That says a lot... What about the other 99?

Same with all our bickering over tree work. You love to call me names because that's all you got. In all the arguments we've had, you only have one bad post I've made in all these years. What was that 4 years ago? and you still bring it up. You cling to it because that's all you got!
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You are so unbelievably full of shit.
" use you as a fact checker", right.

I have to admit that I didn't look very hard, there being a low limit on the time I want to use on fact checking your crap.

So I looked again:

She was not and still is not vaccinated:

Check your attitude there Einstein...

the report you cited does NOT say she wasn't vaxxinated... It says nothing whatsoever about whether she was or was not vaxxed.. Your story says that she didn't die.. that's all!

The story of the Danish unit manager in the Danish Medicines Agency, Tanja Erichsen, who suddenly fell over in the middle of a press conference on vaccines, ended well.
She was quickly reported in good recovery, and a few days after the dramatic situation, where, among others, director of the National Board of Health, Søren Brostrøm, quickly came to her rescue, she thanked for care and greetings on Twitter.

The story could then have ended there. did not, however. The media CheckIt, which specializes in fact-checking stories, has found two smaller Greek media that have got the story wrong.

These are the media Pronews and Greek News On Demand. Both media write that Tanja Erichsen died after her illness - and that the cause of death was that she had been vaccinated with the vaccine from AstraZeneca.

Both must be said to be fake news - and the main character was even fresh enough to comment on the rumors from his Twitter profile.
The last 2 lines:" Taja Erichsen var dog ikke vaccineret mod Coronavirus, hverken dengang eller idag."
I realize you don't speak Danish, but that, like your other shortcomings, is hardly my fault.
I did Google it and found 2 sources saying she hadn;t been vaxxed yet:

A spokesperson for the Danish Medicines Agency, Kim Voigt Østrøm, told the AP that Erichsen has yet to receive a COVID-19 vaccine despite what the posts online say.
I just don't believe everything the government says though...

That's something I learned from personal experience.. I didn't make that one up.

Does the Danish government never lie?
You could maybe belive me, when I say that no government officials have been vaccinated yet, since we do frontline personnel and sick folks ( Like me) first.

Nope; easier to call me Einstein because you didn't understrand the link I posted, due to a sad lack of knowledge of foreign languages.

I am amazed about the way you are able to constantly just go: "Oh, well!" every time the shit you post, is proven wrong, and then go on to post yet another load of unconfirmated shit.