Is it just me, orrrrrr WHUT???

I was going to say something but I thought it was just my computer. When i am on some threads it wont let me click the last page. Say if im on the 40th page and the last page is 45, it wont let me click that to go to page 45.

Make sence? Im horrible at typing directions.
The only hiccup I'm seeing is the issue already noted where there is a following page to a thread indicated, but when you click to open it, it's a duplicate of the previous page.
The server has been a bit slow to respond at times over the last week or so. Usually nothing serious. I just wish there was some level of service available in between the $59 per year deal we have and the $200 per month or more for a dedicated server.
Maybe not for you, being young and on the, I keep having to read the same page over and over, 'cause I'm too old to remember I already read it :|:.

Haha trust me I have done it a few times too! You read half way through and you see a picture and you are thinking to youself, "havn't I seen that picture before?"
What Brian said..... S L O W
Times out a bit too...
pinged it and several other things/places to see if it was my service, network or computer.
It was the forum server.
yesterday it was hit and miss, out for a few minutes then working fine for a while. Mostly I noticed it about 6 to 8pm my time PST. So far no issues today.
I was going to say something but I thought it was just my computer. When i am on some threads it wont let me click the last page. Say if im on the 40th page and the last page is 45, it wont let me click that to go to page 45.

Make sence? Im horrible at typing directions.

This has happened here also.
mostly I've had problems posting a reply to a thread....kinda wondered about that...

slow loading sometimes but not regularly.

Hey, goody...this one came through.....
The server has been a bit slow to respond at times over the last week or so. Usually nothing serious. I just wish there was some level of service available in between the $59 per year deal we have and the $200 per month or more for a dedicated server.

there is, its called a vps