Insect and bites

Ok! I feel this is to much, however base on the example the Ninja arborist post, I think I got to put this on my tool box, just to be avail to compete. 1458177545303450707083.jpg LOL.
To may this concern:
That sword have been out her blade hosting 3 time, it is so sharp that I am very concern to keep it away from everyone in my home this is where this demon leave and remain, for the futture. View attachment 68635View attachment 68636
You will think if I am so concern about the sword (Evil lady) that is the name I give it, why I got the evil master,LOL, do not ge freaked out is jus t anothe bad joke. Let me introduce you to the evil master, I am having trouble findind the master! I hide it to prevent injuries,
Sawdust Samurai, I like it.

I'm gonna agree with Rich- if your going solo, 1/2 inch rope is plenty. I wouldn't really want to rig anything larger than that working solo. I'm sure some members here have the experience to solo rig larger stuff than that, but I feel that takes a LARGE amount of experience to do safely. Along with a block, sling, and top mounted friction (rig-n-wrench) vs a ground mounted friction device (port-a-wrap) you should be good to go. That will give you a lot of options for solo rigging, and you can still use the same setup if you land a bigger job and have a groundie.
I can not find it, let me give you the short story of the master, I was in NY city in Chinatown, I was looking to by a clever I think that the correct spelling, I mean the butcher ax, I was looking true chinatown, when I walk into this Chinese store that specialized in restaurant utensil, and I found it. Let make it short, I did the frozen chicken test. The Evil Master split the chicken in half in one cut, sence that day the Evil master has remain in his box. I can not find it, it is lable Do not friggin' touch. I can find it, will look for it, my wife may have throw it away.
I think my wife trow it away, after the chicken test, we got freaked out, it was unreal, it cut that frozen chicken like it was A hot knife cutting butter. After the test I was thinking if something go wrong I cut loss my fingers. I will ask my wife if she know where is it. It look innocent as you look at it but trust me is Evil, that is why I call it the Evill Master.
Hay, I find my sushi ware, is this nice, only a sushi consumer will understand why to by this, hay is nice, I also go top of the line sushi chopsticks LOL, I know is silly, LOL but you shut know I do my own suchi! Thats right, I am also a suchi mastaaaaaa, LOL. Scared of a Japanese clever, LOL 1458180910823309212681.jpg
Can not find my he Evil Master.
If she trow it away, I am not upset at all, when I tell you it was dangerous, is because it was a dangerous tool for the kitchen. I will ask her, I will not trow it away my self or sale it, but will understand why she would trow it away. It look innocent trust me it was the most dangerous tool in my kitchen.
LOL, maybe a little, LOL. I about to order my rigging gear. Will let you know later. it is about 4hr later, this is what I have on hold until is confirm that will work correctly tougher . Check and let me know if there is any conflict within the items I select. I know how to post a pic on mi tab, how do I do this on my pc. I have to print to take a pic with my tab. 1458352647976-1172807558.jpg
The block,rope, and sling will all work. I would seriously think about the ISC MINI blocks though. DMM makes some bad ass stuff but you could get two minis for the price. Of course you would need to get a 1/2" rope and a 5/8" sling.
I agree with Rich 200% at least. The ISC block is much much lighter also and that will make your life easier when your up there plus leave more cash in your wallet. For me personally I would grab a couple of cheep pulleys for your everyday type light rigging. Your gonna cry if you ever drop that DMM block...
My little green ISC block gets used a whole lot more than my DMM one.
And if you are gonna be doing any natural crotch rigging, you would be better off using 1/2" Arbormaster than that Stablebraid. The Stablebraid cover picks and frays on rough bark too much for my liking.
Isc mini is a frikkin workhorse,I'm sure i put heavier loads on the lil bastard than I should...