California Hillbilly
Sure is a great way to salvage a broken big shot !
I thought that might have been you that posted that vid. Been a couple years..

If you don't use liquid dish soap and warm water for a lubricant it'll never happen.
How do you tie the girth hitch looking knot around the shackle?
Nice rig by the way!
I don't think so, the tubing is flipped around its self or something. I had a sling shot that broke one time with the same knot in it, and really couldn't replicate it. I think it has something to do with flipping the tubing inside out or something.
You like the shackle better than the screw link? I would think the shackle could get hung up in a crotch easier. Just askin ....
Wouldn't a hook on the end release just the bag and save the works going through a crotch?
Have to be just the right amount of "hook" to the hook...even then, might be tricky to get it to fly free consistently.
I was just picturing working the bag down prior to taking the lil shot off. I think the snap could snag a branch easier.
But after all, Branch Doc reports that it works great just as it is...maybe we don't need to fix what ain't broke.