I just think his platform is similar to you. He is all for building up Social Services for Americans and cutting off the flow of immigrants. Simple plan that seems in step with what you have been talking about. He has said nothing about gassing anyone, just exporting the browns and not letting the muslims in. Tryying to keep america as white as possible. Maintain our glorious traditions.
So you have a big Pig served at a buffet in a school full of muslim kids, what gets done with the leftover pig. Are schools fairly well integrated over there? Maybe I'm thinking of schoold=s over here where there are schools are pretty much completely segregated by race, religion, class, etc.
Does another food get special protection under the law?
I missed that post, Kevin. Sorry.
We have what used to be called "busing" in the US. trying to keep a more or less equal mix in the schools.
There are parts of København where that is not possible, because the population is almost 100% muslim, those schools don't do too well.
The way muslim boys are brought up at home doesn't go well with well meaning, soft spoken school teachers.
Then of course we have the Koran schools, there are a handful of those ( They probably don't serve pork).
I'm not about keeping Denmark " White". I have nothing against people of different color, I'm just sick and tired of muslims, no matter what color they are.
We've had tons of immigrants from Asia, they simply slip into the general population and within a generation, fit in.
This summer we were trimming hedges in one of our muslim ghettos, where everybody are on the dole.
My neighbour's daughter was helping us, and she got to talking with a Danish caretaker who worked there.
He was collecting trash in sort of a mobile garbage container.
So Clara asked him why the container was so big ( A couple of cubic meters) wouldn't it be easier to use a smaller one.
He then told her that he filled that thing 3 times on an average day!
It pissed her off no end.
These people come here as refugees or migrants. They are given a place to live and money to live for.
Their kids get a free education like everybody else here.
And they can't even be bothered to pick up after themselves.
Imagine those had been asian.
The whole place would have been nice and clean and we probably wouldn't even have had to trim the hedges.
So don't paint me like a populistic racist idiot like Trump because I don't like muslims outside of the place where they belong.
Islam isn't a race or a skin color!