*Andre, free advice! We've all got your message again and again over a long time. You don't like the United States and you feel hate and anger towards people that disagree with your way of thinking about how to live their life, including what most of us see as very private matters. I guess in some way it must make you feel good to think like that, some satisfaction in having that view and telling about it. You've got a right to your opinion, but one thing though, I can't understand what good you must think there is in repeating it all the time giving people a hard time like a broken record. It would be different if you saw everybody running to get out of the place.
Many people in the forum live in the country that you hate and talk down about so much, it's where their family and friends live as well, where their history is. It may not be a perfect place by far, there are political problems and corporate greed shit and whatnot, but it's the land that nourishes them, gives the often satisfying life that they know, where their parents have lived and also where they might well be watching their own children grow up. It's where the work and entertainments are....everything to give a life. It's also a country where we might have relatives or friends that were seriously hurt or died to help protect the right to continue that life, no minimizing that contribution.
If you want to participate here and at all think that it would be good to get along with other members and have their respect, in my humble opinion, I really do think you should best SHUT THE frig UP with your hate and opinions, give it a rest! Personally, it's really starting to bother me, and I expect that there are at least a few others like me, much tired of hearing about it. You haven't once ever informed of traveling around and seeing a bit of the outside world yourself to help make you wiser. I'd like to advise that you best consider it, how to get along, and in that way try and be like everybody else. One thing that I will tell you for sure, you don't represent your own country very well at all by being such an ignorant jerk, saying that same shit all of the time. Have some of that good ol' vodka and relax, man. I would never suggest drinking that tap water in St. Petersburg.