In The News...

The cops didn't have to be so rough with him.

They let emotions dictate their reactions.

The cops were wrong in doing that.

Because of the Absolute Power cops possess, they MUST be as passive as possible UNTIL the time for passivity isn't warranted.

Then, Unleash The Beast! And make NO apologies.

That climber didn't deserve the Beast.

Was that climber a threat (from falling) to anyone?

Does anyone posting in this thread NOT think that his 'drop zone' wasn't cleared and taped off?

He was of no threat to anyone, and didn't deserve the treatment he received.

No cheap shots, just improper treatment for the offense he was commiting.

Pretend he was jay-walking... would Andy Griffith have acted the same way?
I bet he had at least 200 people on standby to deal with whatever he might cause to happen...EMT's (several crews at least), FF's (some of them high angle types in case he needed rescuing, cops (traffic control, negotiator types, probably SWAT in case the kid pulled a weapon out of his backpack), etc.

I think they had big burly types that could grab him and have a chance of him not pulling away (which he was trying to do). You cannot be gently rescuing someone that does not want to be rescued. I saved a 60 year old lady from drowning once...she did a belly flop off a diving board and was non-responsive. I got to her just as someone else did, too. I was the lifeguard....had no idea who was trying to take her away from me. A couple of midsection kicks to the man convinced him to let me do my job. When I got her in I found out it was her 30 year old son trying to save her. I kicked the shat out of apologies about that. Sometimes it takes more than "please, sir, come with us so you don't hurt yourself". Hoorah for those cops that snatched his punk ass off that building and were able to end the madness of his ego trip.
I'm not saying what he did was right.

Recreational climbers put rescue people to work all the time.

Do they deserve to be 'roughed up?'
I don't think they roughed him up...I think they seized that opportunity to grab him and then maximize their chance to get him in the window without endangering themselves. Any niceties or hesitation on their part and he might have squirmed loose...they already knew he was a nutcase. No Mr. Nice Guy...sometimes it takes violence of action to win the day.
They were just pissed off.

Trust me, I've been there and done (been roughed up by cops) that.

It's like they take offense to what you've (no matter how simple) done.

Cops should be held to a Higher Level.
Haha! I know what you mean about pissed off.

I watched the first cop getting pissed. Little bastard was probably lipping off to him. Like climbing a tree to get a cat, sumbitching cat just goes a little higher.

The climber was not secure. Half of him was still hanging over the ledge, and he was still attached to a stupid suction cup.

Does not really matter if the "drop" zone was taped off. The area was not secure until he was hog tied coming down on the elevator.
This is kinda getting a bit like the poke mon thread marn- (without watching the video again to verify the nuances of the alleged rough treatment) that massive cop clips a biner onto the dudes harness almost simultaneous to them dragging him over, at this point he is secured- he can't unclip as he is being physically subdued. It was interesting to watch cos the cop had spent a long time looking at the rig trying to find where he could clip into- wasn't going to initiate any force until the punk was secure. Anyways, its splitting hairs, cops rough folks up as standard procedure, he knew it was coming.
For the life of me, I can't understand why the climber didn't transfer over (to his left) to the other side.
I think he just wanted to get to the roof. :drink:

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Yeah? Fair enough.

I would bet they recruited the bruisers for that job.

Just like Stig beating up bicycle riders.

I don't "Beat up bicycle riders", I just resude to jump aside when they ride on the ped-way or cross against a red light.
Not my fault they hurt themselves against me.

This really does strike home the difference between The rest of the world and America, makes me realize that The US is pretty awesome in that this at the moment would be unthinkable here. There are a lot of Burkinis at the swimming pools and beaches here. seems not the best swimming gear if your worried about speed, but they also don't have to slather toxic sunscreen filled with chemicals all over their bodies. I personally prefer to stay in my clothing when the sun is out. a law mandating you get naked is just as stupid as the Saudi Laws mandating you wear clothes.