In The News...

@Nutball I hear you, and get it, I really do.

But in my own personal experience, at least since the establishment of the US Forest Service, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the US Park Service, there have been real people on the real ground trying their best. Those agencies, we should support and even love for what their employees have done and continue to do for us everyday taxpayers.

These are just the ones I know from the inside. I have no doubt that others with experience beyond mine could add others.

Sure, there is ALWAYS going to be entrenched powers that look after their own interests first...but we should NEVER confuse those people with the rank-and-file gov't. employees who work hard and true every day to attempt to meet the stated goals of their federal agencies.
Sure, there is ALWAYS going to be entrenched powers that look after their own interests first...but we should NEVER confuse those people with the rank-and-file gov't. employees who work hard and true every day to attempt to meet the stated goals of their federal agencies.
I will choose to ignore your insult. You are clearly too ignorant to know the facts as I lived them for 3+ decades. Not your fault.

Have a great day.
I'm guessing it's rather a joke, an insult to the government that makes a lot of useless positions more numerous than even those who get useful work done. Talk about inefficiency. Personally, I don't consider hose who work for the government as really part of the government. Or you might say I work for and am part of the government because I pay them. They print it, I give some back, and the rest goes to others who also give some to the government.
I will choose to ignore your insult. You are clearly too ignorant to know the facts as I lived them for 3+ decades. Not your fault.

Have a great day.
He clearly said “the other 75%”… Would you say that the “federal government”, as a whole, is overwhelmingly efficient? Or would you agree that the sun would rise tomorrow and life would go on just fine, if the vast majority of them were given their walking papers?
Phuck you. " Bob" you want to try doing something strenuous? Let's go to a wildfire and dig some line together... maybe you'll find Jesus after that. Your one sentence response crap is really tired.
To invoke Jesus in a statement like that is rather blasphemous, IMO.
I think you and Burnham are intentionally making this your personal conflict. I don’t know anyone who thinks the forestry service needs to be shut down. There are a few agencies/sectors of the government that actually work and provide/produce services. There are thousands, if not millions, without whom our lives would go on blissfully. If you are happy with the job the fed is doing, I tip my hat to you. I, for one, am not.

In an effort to explain exactly what I am saying, at least, regarding the federal government’s bloated condition…a couple of years ago we were camping at a Corp. of Engineers campground a couple of weeks after one of those near “government shutdowns”. A guy there told us that they had come and told them that if the shutdown occurred, everyone would have to pack up and leave the campground. WHY? If I’ve already paid my fees, why the heck should I have to pack up and leave? The federal shutdown has ZERO effect on a campground. The sun will still rise, the river will still flow, the birds will still sing. But that’s the government’s take on it. Shut down everything that doesn’t concern those who have made the mess.
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There are a few agencies/sectors of the government that actually work and provide/produce services.
True. I didn’t say all gov workers were slackers, some actually earn their keep but they’re in the minority. Anyone that thinks different hasn’t spent the time I have around gov “workers” or at the to numerous to mention sites I have.
One sign of a government closure is our truly beloved yosemite. Nobody tending to the park. Filthy humans left diapers and graffiti and all kinds of nasty things. When the government opened, all kinds of nasty things for the park employees to pick up and take care of.
Some government is necessary, but not a lot of government isn't necessary, nor is it efficient. Some of it quite wasteful.