In The News...

Good. That’s what happens when you tell the hand that feeds ya you’ gonna bite it, 2 years in advance. Politicians don’t have any skin in the game when they declare war on fossil fuel like we do.
Hope the scum enjoy their blood money. Won't bring little Johnny back, but WOO-HOO....let's live it up!
I can ignore most of your posts but, Holy fuckin shit do you actually agree with what this disgusting piece ofshit of a human being has done to them over the years?
The tree house has become a toxic waste ground the last few years😱
Scott I think you are single handedly ruining this forum, well you and a couple of others. You spew your toxic beliefs daily and ridicule anyone who has a different view. I own guns but agree something has to give when it is a daily occurrence that there are mass shootings. I understand that the vast majority of gun owners are law abiding but when we see time and again youths buy guns and then right away kill other kids its common sense that maybe we shouldnt sell them assualt rifles till they are at least 21.

I realize its pointless trying to reason with you about guns because you are so brainwashed by whatever talk show idiot you listen to but Im about done with the Tree House because of your ignorant name calling BS
First Mick, then Gary left, now Paul is thinking about joining the " we've had a Scott overdose" exodus.
He may not be ruining the forum, but he sure is thinning the members.
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It's the way you post, you come across as a stereotypical brash American that gets a bit shouty if someone disagrees with you, I'm sure you're not but that's the impression your posts come across as.
Do you think that Alex Jones is a stand up guy that people should look upto and respect for his actions?
All you big tough tree guys that are too much of a pussy to ignore somebody with a differing opinion. There are several people on here that I don't care for, but they certainly aren't going to run me off from a place I've considered home for over 15 years.

Also on another note, this isn't an airport. No need to announce your departure.
Another one the MSM just happened to miss...
