In The News...

He posited that the right is more organized, less factionalized and has most of the guns.
Sounds like good reason to further divide the country and stress it with disaster that may ensure civil war, so the right will spend their ammo, and become easier to take control of. Then with the country and military distracted by civil war, and with the citizen's ammo depleted, an enemy country like china could easily invade. I think I said something like this 1 or 2 years ago, but I wasn't sure what would cause the internal conflict. I see now making the right the enemy in combination with planned food shortages could do it.
This is exactly what they want you to be doing! They want you guys divided more than ever so that way your busy yelling at each other instead of working together. While your busy argueing, it gives them more room to do their dirty work. Powers in numbers!

Besides turning each other against one another what does this thread acomplish?

The reason why i dont read, watch, listen to news is because at the end of the day there is nothing i can do to change what these lunitics are doing, weither it be trump or biden or the next president they have all had to play ball in one form to get to where they are at.

Since i have started to only worry about myself and my business, life has become so much more stress free.

Good luck brothers, In Trees We Trust!
How do you work together with the amurican taliban?

Hell bent on putting women in their place?

You trumpette's are your own worst enemy....

Whether women have the free will right to bodily autonomy seems the foremost item in the news of late

I gather you're an avid participant in the orange crusade to deny women their God given rights?

You wanna crawl into every woman's bedroom sheets, right Jimbo?

Ask an Iraqi vet whether extenuating circumstances condone murder, on a large scale?

And most of them aren't forced by law to blow softball's out their azzes whether they like it or not!

So if China invaded us and we fought back with every tool at our disposal?

How does that make us any different than our troops invading Iraq?

Only God can sort the guilty from the innocent.

Not Samuel friggin alito, Brett fuggin kavanaugh or Clarence taliban thomas........

If reps think overturning roe v wade's a good idea considering a solid majority of the country think it's an extremely bad idea?

What's the use of a democratic republic?

Buncha out of touch ivory tower black robed azzholes..........

NIH huh, the virus experts?

Scott, he also doesn’t know the SCOTUS doesn’t want to make abortion illegal but just let the states decide which I think is a great idea. The blue states would love to pass a law that would allow lefties to murder their fck trophies up to the age of 18 and fulfill Margaret Sanger’s dream of ridding society of tards and retreads. We can only dream.
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Since you are obviously not cognizant enough to grasp human reproduction, let me explain it. PREVENTING pregnancy…and ENDING a pregnancy are two very different things. Smokey-the-Bear always said, “PREVENT FOREST FIRES!”….not “Start a few thousand but stomp them out before they get out of hand!” If the gals want to go live like hoes, no one is stopping them. But there are consequences to that lifestyle.

You failed to mention the other half of the equation.
The point is you ain't a female, and it's certainly not even remotely, any of your testicular friggin biz.

Jump in that chipper you deluded trump loyalists!

We can process you in short order..........

How is our govt doling out murder permits in the hundreds of thousands in Irag any different?

It's between God and them whether they'll be held to account.

Not a bunch of right wing lying trump appointed justices on the supreme court trying to commit hari kari .......
