In The News...

Looks like he could have picked a better spot to set up that wouldn't have the knuckle so close to the lines.
55’ is probably that boom maxed out vertically.

We had a small fire start in the same spot between the cab and the body, some twigs and leaves had fallen down there and were laying on exhaust parts.
Things ain’t looking so good for Woodstock 50th anniversary. About 4 weeks out and no venue or tickets.
After what happened in 99 I don’t blame these towns and counties one bit for saying “ No. Not here. “

In happier news of NY state, law was passed banning the declawing of cats. When I was a kid we had a declawed cat that someone gave us. Pretty sickening how it’s done. Ought to call it defingering.
I always wished I coulda attended that, but in retrospect... I dunno.

Maybe a nice tent and some damn good drugs...
“Totally messed up. That is a business that I didn't know existed.”

Maybe if they’d just change their name to Planned Parenthood all would be forgiven....