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- #6,526
I'm sure the fellow will be explaining it all in detail once he heals up and hits the talk show circuit. I guarantee you he will be on Ellen in under 6 months.
Too worried about having my teeth knocked out.....again. My front four teeth are a bridge. I hate dental work.
Cool cougar vid and discussion. TH rocks
I watched it in slo mo- the dog looks to have been sleeping and somehow it heard or sensed the cougar when the cougar was about 3' away. The dog went to bite at the cougar's face and the cougar opened its own mouth and just slid right under the dog's jaws to the dog's throat and locked on. Looked like a well practiced move as well as instinctual perhaps. Game over but for the dog's collar, apparently. Interesting how the dog was defenseless once it was grabbed by the throat, no amount of scratching or wrestling was going to have any effect. I was thinking that if it was a human grabbed like that, assuming their wind pipe etc was not immediately crushed, with thumbs and thought they could likely reach the cat's eyes and commence gouging.
BJJ/grappling can be rough on joints...gotta do the proper body prep to minimize torn shoulders/backs/knees....
Meanwhile the cat would be eviscerating your guts out with it's hind feet, claws at full extension. Very unlikely to prevail in hand to hand combat against a mountain lion, us soft humans.