In The News...

To believe that the average person can make any lasting difference in this age of consumption driven by capitalism, I believe it is.

I tend to agree with your intentions, but not with the possibility of any major success, until mankind in general ceases competitiveness for profit & power and begins working toward the good of all, which I don't see happening in the foreseeable future.

Agreed with the competitiveness and greed,


when too many people think we will go from here to heaven, the 'here' is F'ed.
Rolling Stone, isn’t that the rag that reported the fake rape crisis at UVA a few years back, yeah that Rolling Stone...
It sounds incredibly unlikely, almost like fake news. Then when I start reading it and I come across a line like this in the very beginning of the article..."Asbestos is now legally allowed back into U.S. manufacturing under a serious of loopholes "

Basic proofreading has to be a basis of any simple article that is to be construed as true and serious. It makes me consider the rest of it to the suspect at that point when the misuse of the language is so evident.

Like Butch's meme you can call me alt-write.

Or should I say construed as true and series?
Gary, so far. everything I could find backs up the article.

It's hard to find an article that has been correctly edited any more with all the "auto" stuff used today. i'd guess that word passed "spell check":|:
Try correcting college English papers, etc. for a day'll need several red markers....
I'll check some other sources for the's radical enough there must be more on it. 10-4 on college papers...I suspect they royally suck for the most part.
And to correct you Gary. It was my meme!

