Come on, it is fun to watch people argue with reality about somehow loosening gun restrictions will make the country safer. How any type of waiting period, fees, etc are the equivalent to "taking my guns away."
As much of a prick comment as it was, there is a large portion of America that are bitter clingers. The haves and have nots. The educated and the not-so educated. Look at Trumps approval ratings with educated vs un-educated folks - amazing. Even more amazing when you compare that to the approval ratings of the educated vs non-educated of those who voted for him. Trump will lose next go around. He won't have Hillary to run against and much of his educated base voted for him because they weren't going to vote for her. His have-not MAGA crowd alone won't be enough to get him re-elected.
It is basically down to my team good, your team bad. My guy gives porn stars hush money, yours is a "liberal". See, my guy is good. Whatever, hey, look at that squirrel........