I heard in his demonstration vids he nuked one of Butchs aircraft carriers and Florida. 

Justin, why would you need election rhetorics, when you are the only dog in the race?
As to why Russian leadership might be talking this way...I don't know for a fact and I won't be getting into a debate about it but, did you hear about the possibility Russia lost face with regard to military about ten days ago?
A youtube vid I happened onto (and will try to find) spoke of an engagment in Syria where forces had been building up with a heavy contingent of or primarily Russian mercs. So the US is on the special hotline to de-escalate conflict and Russia says, no we don't have any guys there. Maybe calls and checks multiple times over days.
So the agressors start into it and the US pounds them hard with air power and maybe testing out a new missile or something in the process. Around 300 killed, lots of tanks and troop carriers hit. Their own commanders on the radio saying how they were torn to shreds. No US casualties, one ally wounded.
And evidently this is in an oil rich area we are then helping deny Assad and Russia the ability to regain control of.
That makes sense with Putin verbage in my mind.