In The News...

I reckon that problem would have solved itself, eventually.

Either he would get hungry and come down, or fall out.

If the bleeding hearts got upset about the destruction of the tree, we could send Gary up with his bucket and heavy glove. Might need a bigger bucket though. Like a rubbermaid trash can.
He's now been up there for close to 10 hours.... the meth's gotta worn off by now...?

A few minutes ago, he went halfway down, now he's right back to his perch... they moved the ladder in close, maybe trying to nab him? Gotta love the twitter action

whoever set up the account has close to 1600 followers already

Here's the live feed. Crap, now he's dismantling the structure up there, which has to be Christmas lights. He still has the same 18" long stick which he broke off and removed the bark from.
That is really odd. If that live feed is actually live like it says. He's still messing around up there like crazy. Up down around busting branches. Nutbar.
After that many hours in the tree it seems like they'd just leave him alone, obviously he's capable of not falling, and he's gonna come down eventually. It seemed like they are more worried about the damage to the tree. Could always put a couple air bags under it and just shoot him with a bean bag, or something
Just rope the area off and have an officer wait for him to come down.

Well, I imagine they're already doing that... :|:
He's finally down, after over 24 hours.....

First thing they did, was offer him some food....

I heard something about the reason he came most of the way down last night is because a girl offered to give him a big kiss.....LOLZ. But he reversed course at 15 feet off the deck and went back to the top. Maybe she wasn't to his liking??

Bernie Sanders was in town, but #manintree got close to double the twitter activity....
Dont know all the details yet other than the main one! My mother in law came in and said her husband was on a domestic call, and 3-4 men got in to a fight and one is being airlifted to memphis. One of the guys pretty much grabbed his manhood and ripped it all off other than a few strands of skin. I dont see how it wouldnt make the news but im very interested to see what all went on and what the fight was about.
