In The News...

Rico, you need to provide a link to substantiate your data.
I found them at the "Kill Whitey" Bureau of government stats. Just kidding. A quick search of US Bureau of Government Stats will get you there. I apologize for just showing up like this, but you know I got some thin skin when it come to this kinda bullshit. By the way, its good to see ya, Butch!
I found different statistics. Wonder why?

Personally, I think the most tragic statistic a person can find is the one Don Lemmon came up with.

65 to 75 percent of black kids are born to single mothers. Bit of a smoking gun.
Remember, I said government assistance , not just welfare, so that is gonna include all kinds of assistance(medicare, etc.).
Thanks Mick, I appreciate it. Unfortunately this is the kind of crap that has kept from hanging out around here. We all know this is the coolest tree forum out there! I just showed up to be a combative prick!

Its all part of the conversation. I have gone rounds with several members past and present. I get as fired up as most.

Truth be told, I learned something from every exchange. Sometimes the lesson was that different people take different approaches to conversation/argument.

Arguments I have had with Dave, Stig and Ed have been very informative...Mick? Meh.

Try and stick around and join the conversation. Sometimes its a tough job and we may not think it is worth while, but really, what could be more important than to ask the tough questions and try to see both sides.

Many times I have wanted to take my ball and go home, but I am glad I didn't.

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics"
I feel guilty now.....only listing a few of greats I have argued with here.

Justin, Kevin, Burnham, and others...oh and Levi.

Of course I have learned things from Mick as well. Not sure if he got his sense of humor back yet or not.

To any others I have missed, I am sorry.

It has been a pleasure.
It's what happens when oppress people for so long with Christian morals and dogma, eventually it blows up in your face, like a blanket fire.
Man, ain't that the truth, "love your enemies, pray for those who despitefully use you, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you, feed the hungry, clothe the naked", pretty dangerous dogma for sure.