In The News...

Could someone break this down for me. I don't see what is sexist or homophobe about it. Seems like a real life experience, that's all.

Got me too Jay. I'll hold a door or lend a hand to anybody, I try not to notice the whole lgbtbbqlmnopeieio folks. People are just people to me. Now if they want to make a public spectacle of themselves I'm the first one to help'em. Hot chicks tend to stand out in a crowd but other than that people are just cattle to me.
It's fun to hold a door for someone that has never had it done for them before. I don't think it's much an Asian thing. They look at you like it's a world that they know nothing about. I've even had some ask me, "Is this ladies first" (they've heard the expression). "Yeah, something like that", is what I say. You don't want to reveal too much. :lol:
Camel rights seem to be getting attention with inspections and decent housing, those poor animals having to lug around the tourists. Eventually they might get around to women.
Jim, one of my fav clips. But I missed the meaning of it here, splain will ya?

Yeah big ol bob, gotta say that yes sir shite was funny! Fook her!

Play nice now, ya'll...
I apologize. Just talking shit, and calling out what I find to be offensive statements -Moochele, "be like Vanillabama", joke about Obama's ears, comments on the LBGTQ folks, ect. Quite surprised someone hasn't done it earlier. I don't know if he's playing or just trying to be clever, but it sound just like the shit I hear out of real genuine racists I have the misfortune of working in the woods with from time to time
Like when they were seizing property for growing pot. Maybe they still do? Imagine loosing your land like that at the drop of a hat. Nobody has ever challenged the constitutionality of that?
The police they need to ask about that law are the former cops that saw rampant corruption in their precincts as rookies, and then were introduced and lead into it and became criminals themselves. There are those that have told their stories with shame and embarrassment, informing how ruinous things can become. Little by little and then you're into some heavy stuff. It isn't hard to see how it happens when you hear about it. A few bad apples can cause devastation to a whole department, making coin any which way becomes the only priority. Cops are vulnerable.