In The News...

Certainly a bright guy like yourself can come up with a more meaningful perspective than that. Although most anything related to Donald may be nearly undiscussable because he seems to engender either hatred or praise with little in between.

Seems like 2 of the biggest issues are the Ogala aquifer being jeopardized and the dirtiness of the tar sands product
You guys have seen a map of all the pipelines already in place right? So whats not already endangered?

We cant just will our chainsaws to run, hope and pray that we can drive to the jobsite using unicorn farts.

We use a lot of oil, and the more of that oil transported by pipeline instead of rail is a win for me. Especially when that oil does not come from a region we have to bomb first.

Gosh, some oil spilled. Yep, spills happen, they get cleaned up and life goes on. I am sure that right now, on my land, there is crude oil spilling somewhere. It happens. It gets cleaned up, life goes on.

Everyone is so flipping worried about least we dont have to contaminate the entire state of North Dakota, or the Country of Canada with depleted uranium shells to get this oil.

Lets get after it. We mine coal cleaner, with a MASSIVELY lower loss of life than the Chinese. We extract oil cleaner than the Middle East, and have not had to kill 1 million North Dakotans to get it.

Wars for oil, or peaceful trade for oil....hmmmm.........I will have to think about that one.
You guys have seen a map of all the pipelines already in place right? So whats not already endangered?

We cant just will our chainsaws to run, hope and pray that we can drive to the jobsite using unicorn farts.

We use a lot of oil, and the more of that oil transported by pipeline instead of rail is a win for me. Especially when that oil does not come from a region we have to bomb first.

Gosh, some oil spilled. Yep, spills happen, they get cleaned up and life goes on. I am sure that right now, on my land, there is crude oil spilling somewhere. It happens. It gets cleaned up, life goes on.

Everyone is so flipping worried about least we dont have to contaminate the entire state of North Dakota, or the Country of Canada with depleted uranium shells to get this oil.

Lets get after it. We mine coal cleaner, with a MASSIVELY lower loss of life than the Chinese. We extract oil cleaner than the Middle East, and have not had to kill 1 million North Dakotans to get it.


You raise good points. Re oil spills, it reminds me of the Deepwater Horizon blowout- you have an underwater camera filming a ridiculous amount of oil shooting out of the destroyed well on the ocean floor for days on end, it looks rather apocalyptic. But then you think that in the course of earth history certainly there must have been many spontaneous eruptions of oil from the ocean floor and yet the oceans don't show obvious signs of such damage.

Having said that, oiled salt water in the vast ocean arguably is less of a problem than fresh water in an aquifer getting contaminated by a spill. You mention cleaning up spills on dry land, I gotta believe cleaning up a spill into drinking water is far more harmful and difficult to remedy.

And from what I've read, tar sands oil is arguably better left untouched because it is so energy intensive to mine and process and its environmental impact is so large.

Yeah, duh, we need energy to run machines but we also need wisdom re which energy sources to use and how much money and effort to put into developing sources which have less damaging effects on the environment.
Btw, you mention contamination from depleted uranium shells in war zones, can you expand on this, I haven't heard of that before. Thanks.
its heavier than lead so it kills better. Jim, they need that pipeline so they can ship it straight to China. Its not staying here.
Dry land you say? Our pipelines are not above ground Cory. We can get drinking water from three formations here, the Judith, Eagle and Claggett. I have wells into the shallow one, cant remember which, that are under 60 feet. I have springs everywhere. Ponds, lakes, reservoirs, rivers. Whats so dry about it?

I get it, living in sacrifice country, always been the way. From SAC bases to missile silos, to coal mines to gas fields. Nobody comes to protest out here. Its just the cost of doing business, but boy oh boy, that pipeline through the Sand Hills is bad.

Not sure how it works in other places, but when we have a leak, it surfaces quickly, and is dealt with. Its dirty as hell, but it can be cleaned up.

I am sure I have mentioned it before, but you know how they re mediate contaminated soil? They haul it out here, and spread it on farmers fields.

I am absolutely not saying that we should spill oil into every water source we have.......but at one time or another we have spilled oil into every water source we have!

Those poor slobs that get their water out of our Yellowstone river had a spill a while back, right into the river. It was an emergency for sure, got cleaned up and was very expensive.

No one came and set up tepees to protest. Where were the tepees when the EPA breached that dam and turned that river orange?

Everything we do on this planet has a consequence. Some are smaller, some are bigger.

We killed 1 million Iraqis over oil and politics. Thats a pretty big consequence. We helped kill Qaddafi so he would not sell oil in Dinars, and set up an African currency. Setting the stage for the migrant crisis. How is Europe doing now?

I agree that oil sands is ugly, ugly. But I bet you could find an article that argues that every hydro carbon based fuel source should "arguably" be left in the ground.

Hydro is murdering Salmon and minnows, wind is murdering bats and is welfare. I watched a video about huge solar fields raise the air temperature so high on site that birds are literally catching fire while flying near the mirrors. As Paris Hilton would say......That's Hot!

There are no magic bullets. Every source of energy has its pros and cons, but I am in favor of more diverse options.

For better or worse these rural sources of energy that we consume so readily, provide important jobs and tax revenue for dumb country folks.

Yes, Kevin. China is buying oil. We are exporters of crude now.
its not even our oil, its canadas dirty shit. we are just giving them a route so they can sell it. maybe we should pay more for oil and hire more people. At what point is it more worth it to hire a dude and a wheelbarrow than a run a mini loader? i would love to see expensive gas.
The Canadians producing that oil are not bad people Kevin. It helps pay for their marvelous health care system.

You should be carful what you wish for. Cheap oil is why there are big, wonderful Cities. Places where there is great culture and camaraderie. Much better than those filthy, stooopid rural areas.
I would think it would be much harder to live in a rural area with igh gas prices. I dont know. high oil prices might make us less inclined to turn it into one use plastic shit that chokes us. More jobs, less plastic, less crap. farmers wouldnt have to compete with the other hemisphere for customers as it wouldnt be as practical to import new zealand lamb. I think it would solve a lot of problems. Id tax the shit out of it if i were dictator. I would have a lot of fun with my treeservice with expense oil. I have a bunch of ideas that are only worth it with pricey gas.
There will be no change from using oil, until it's all gone. So hurry up and fill up and drive around. If you really want change,use it up!
Well. Once the last drop is sucked out and ignited. The horrors or fossil fuel use will finally be over. Then it'll all be good right?
Nice! I'm seriously racking my brain about some market gardening. Possibly converting some of my small land into something that produces more value than hay. I've got neighbours who grow all sorts of vegetables for local grocery stores so I'm in a decent enough spot for it.