Images Needed!

  • Thread starter Frax
  • Start date
  • Replies 7
  • Views 833


I hope some of you guys can help me. I'm doing a newspaper column on recent invasive pests we have recently had or may soon have here. If anyone has EAB or ALB images to share with me I would be most grateful. Since they might be in print, I need realtively high res images. The shooter will of course get full credit.
PM me if you can help.
It seems like we are removing EAB trees every other day here. Scheduled to remove a few Friday. I can take some pics for you, do you you have a preference of what you would like in the photos?
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Thanks FJR! Pictures of adult beetles would be awesome but I realize that might not happen. Pics of larvae or entrance/exit holes would be awesome.

We don't have either of these here yet, but we expect them down the road. I'm trying to raise public awareness.
It seems like we are removing EAB trees every other day here. Scheduled to remove a few Friday. I can take some pics for you, do you you have a preference of what you would like in the photos?

I have heard they are crazy crispy, like scary stuff. Is that your experience? It is just starting here.
I will see what I can do for ya Frax. :)

Nick, it isn't to that point yet here, not to far away though. I think we are around year three here, maybe getting into year four. I believe it was Wally who had some great pictures from up in Michigan where it is much more advanced. I think he was saying that large mature trees were so brittle that whole trees were failing. Ash trees make up such a large percentage of the trees here, it is going to get much worse.
Ive been taking out about 6-7 a week here, I have a possible city contract coming up of removing 191 of them, if you need pictures let me know, I can get some for you anytime...