I (Think/Hope) I Developed A New Hitch Design

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One knot? The only choices I get offered are no knots, and all the knots, with the latter being the most popular option by far.
Did you mean to say "one throw?" I'm not sure what you meant by your comment as a whole.

If you're concerned that a single throw can't produce unique and interesting knots, then you would be incorrect. I've discovered many new knots from a single throw.

The reason I say one throw is because most people will, if they're paying attention, undo any knots that are created in their throwline after each throw.

Maybe I've misunderstood you.
I'm saying I get a rats nest with several knots, many times in one big clump.
Oh, that's fine. Like I said, anything that occurred after one single throw is admissible. So, I take back my comment about rat's nests. They are fine. Thanks for helping me clarify.
They're called "Wonder Knots" as in "I wonder how that got there?" They are an inevitable fact of life with throw lines, from everything I've ever seen.
I'm just trying to asses their base forms and determine how random they actually are. My guess is pretty random overall, but I also have notice consistencies in my throw line knots; the ones that are less aggressive. And the ones that are more aggressive tend to have similar base knots. I might be imagining this, which is why I need more data for all of you on the forum! I don't use my throw line as much as many of you on the forum, so it would be great to get your anecdotal evidence!
Rats nest

Are you attempting to correct my grammar? It would be rat + apostrophe + 's' since its a possessive phrase, since the nest belongs to the rat.

According to Google and many other sites, "rat's nest" is the proper idiom.

"'Rat's nest' is the correct term," says Google's AI. Additionally, there is also a Japanese musical album named "The Rat's Nest," according to, and spelled with grammar by, Wikipedia. Furthermore, my mother, who used to be an English teacher, agrees with me...and she would for sure tell me if she knew I were wrong.

Maybe I misunderstood you...but you didnt really give much of a comment to be understood lol Highly ambiguous post at best lol
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I am typing on my phone. I dont always change my key board for an apostrophy.
No, i was not correcting you. Just called it what I called a tangle.
Quit questioning typos and assuming folks are not as smart as you. You come across as an ass. Just my 2 bits.
I am typing on my phone. I dont always change my key board for an apostrophy.
No, i was not correcting you. Just called it what I called a tangle.
Quit questioning typos and assuming folks are not as smart as you. You come across as an ass. Just my 2 bits.
Quit assuming that I am supposed to know what you mean by two words in a highly ambiguous statement. I even ASKED YOU, "are you attempting to correct my grammar?" I even told you that I might have misunderstood you and apologized ahead of time in case I was wrong. The context of your post was such that it seemed PLAUSIBLE that you were correcting my grammar. I was even using "lol" and not taking the situation seriously at all. Can't two men who both have high quality intellect discuss grammar freely without the other person resorting to name calling? Geez Louise.
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I wasn't assuming you weren't smarter than me, Cursed. I was just having a positive, upbeat conversation filled with my best effort to be conversational. I don't care that you made a typo. I just didn't know what the hell you were saying.
You've corrected my grammar and accuracy of various statements in the past, like with "clip versus magazine" on a gun. So why should I be shamed for thinking you MIGHT have been doing it again?

I didn't call YOU an "ass" when you corrected me, now did i? Nor did I accuse you of thinking you were smarter than me for providing a correct answer.
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The disgusting part is we start with a "no knot" and a well folded line and in a split second the rats nest appears and ruins the morning. Awful with the bigshot.
I feel like the quick acceleration of the line is responsible for the rat's nests with a Big Shot, which is why I am always careful to spread/flake my throw line out on the ground in as wide of a pattern as possible.

The very worst is when the throw line clings to a small piece of debris and becomes a super nest and I sometimes have to pull out a good placement partially in order to remove the wood chip or small twig.
I am typing on my phone. I dont always change my key board for an apostrophy.
No, i was not correcting you. Just called it what I called a tangle.
Quit questioning typos and assuming folks are not as smart as you. You come across as an ass. Just my 2 bits.
Not an ass, a DRAMA QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, sorry, I really didn't mean that.
Now let me use the next 300 posts to tell you what I REALLY meant and how sorry I and that you misunderstood me.
How it will certainly never happen again until maybe next time I go on a DRAMA QUEEN rant.

Knotcase, go frig up some other forum, you are not adding anything good to this.
Not an ass, a DRAMA QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, sorry, I really didn't mean that.
Now let me use the next 300 posts to tell you what I REALLY meant and how sorry I and that you misunderstood me.
How it will certainly never happen again until maybe next time I go on a DRAMA QUEEN rant.

Knotcase, go frig up some other forum, you are not adding anything good to this.
You're so predictable. Stop trying to get a rise out of me. If @CurSedVoyce can accurately correct me at times, in situations where I respect and absorb his knowledge, then I should be able to politely and accurately correct him without incurring name calling. We can't have double standards on this forum.
Please tell me how it isn't my fight, that you do your level best to frig up a forum of which I've been a member since 2007.
I've met a lot of other members, just last week I met Stikine/Austin, who has put you on ignore, because he can't handle your DRAMA QUEEN shit.
All the way from Alaska to Copenhagen. We had a great day together.
The line is way long, Too .ong to even line them up here.
Great forum.
We've raised money for members in need, We are are closed brother/sisterhood.

Now all of a sudden 1/3 of all posts come from an invading complete manic " Look at me designing climbing knots, while I'm too fat and out of shape to actually do any work in a tree" moron.

Honestly, dude.

You are friggin' this place up and adding ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...................................................except those drama queen capitals, of course.

I'm not trying to "get a rise out of you" I'm trying to get you to disappear.
We are not your happily new found friends in mental instability, here.
We are a close knit forum of treeworkers, who care for and take care of each other.
You are a mental case, who has nothing to add, but disruption.

You come across as an ass. Just my 2 bits.

Can we just let this go? Cursed, it's whatever, okay? I'm sorry for making the incorrect inference from your post. I think you're a great dude and I'd like to continue having a positive relationship? Okay? Please?

Stig, go kick rocks.
I'm sorry..............I'm sorry..........................I'm sorry ...........ad nauseam.
Again and again and again and again.
Take your friggin' mental illness somewhere else!
I'm sorry..............I'm sorry..........................I'm sorry ...........ad nauseam.
Again and again and again and again.
Take your friggin' mental illness somewhere else!
Stig, you honestly sound way more manic than I ever could be. Real men make apologies. Only the weak continue fighting for no purpose simply because they are too headstrong to make a concession.
Since you are apparently hard of hearing, I'll say it again:

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Stig, you honestly sound way more manic than I ever could be. Real men make apologies. Only the weak continue fighting for no purpose simply because they are too headstrong to make a concession.
Concession to what?

You friggin' the place up?
To be clear, I believe I handled this well from jump street. I'm just apologizing for offending Cursed because I respect him and his feelings.