I (Think/Hope) I Developed A New Hitch Design

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Here's a video I made 3 months ago that I just posted to my channel about an hour ago which covers the RADS (Rapid Ascent Descent System) climbing method in great depth! This climbing system is a great choice for anyone looking to start climbing SRS for the first time. This is because it is very ergonomic with the foot loop, hand ascender (easy grip on the rope), and the pulley (for mechanical advantage). It's also a great choice for anyone isn't a physically strong climber yet. Because climbing activates tons of muscles, including some that aren't typically targeted at the gym.

Contrary to its name, this climbing method isn't actually all that "rapid" compared to some other methods such as rope walking when discussing ascents. Also, as far as descending, one must remove a pulley, carabiner, foot loop and hand ascender, then stow them away before they can even begin their descent. But for a new climber, this can actually be viewed as a good thing since it helps them learn something that is a bit technical and ensures that they are fully committed and ready before they attempt a descent.

Finally, it's an ideal choice for rock climbers and alpinists who don't have, or even need nor want, fancy arborist multicender devices. But they will usually have all of the devices and hardware needed for a RADS on them at all times.
