I (Think/Hope) I Developed A New Hitch Design

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Here's a video I made awhile back, but just recently posted, all about the SCAM (Single Carabiner Access Method) for mechanical advantage which produces a theoretical 3:1 for assisting on limb walks.

An interesting option. It would be interesting to see how you move on your limbs in practice. Or are you just a theorist?
I'm a guy who does some practical and some theoretical. But until I can get a cameraman, it's hard to go beyond theory sometimes. But I have done practical in plenty of my episodes. It's also sometimes easier to demo on the ground.
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There was a famous theatrical figure Stanislavsky in Russia. He used to say in such cases: ’’I don't believe it!’’) With your physical data and coordination of movements, this is impossible.
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There was a famous theatrical figure Stanislavsky in Russia. He used to say in such cases: ’’I don't believe it!’’) With your physical data and coordination of movements, this is impossible.
I didn't come up with this method. Someone else did. It's also widely popular. I'm not the best person to watch do it. I should have been doing with with my Rope Runner Pro and I'm also not particularly talented at it. All I can say is that it works and I did a pretty good demonstration.

Here's the video made by the system's creator:

Whether you believe it or not isn't my concern. I'm more concerned with spreading education regarding a variety of new and old climbing systems. Some will naturally be better than others. It is what it is. But far from impossible. But you're entitled to your own opinion.
There was a famous theatrical figure Stanislavsky in Russia. He used to say in such cases: ’’I don't believe it!’’) With your physical data and coordination of movements, this is impossible.
Here's also a video by Bartlett Arborist supply for the SCAM...

@Maximalist If your point is to question MY, personal, ability to limb walk based off of my pretend limb walk on slippery grass on the ground, using a system I rarely ever use, then that's a bit silly. When you do a real limb walk, you can get off to one side of the limb and really lock your boots in there. Demonstrating on grass isn't the same thing. You also can't hold onto branches. Try for yourself. You'll lose friction below your boots much more easily on grass. But believe whatever you want. I also haven't had any trees nearby to do actual limb walks on. Hopefully that changes now that I've moved to MA. =-D

EDIT: I've done plenty of practical climbs, my friend. But have been limited to the trees at my old apartment complex until now.
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Here's my latest video all about the Macrame Ghost Equivocation Retrievable Rappel Anchor for Alpinist/Canyoners!

The Ghost/Macramé/Equivocation retrievable & slipped rappel anchor is a tried and true method among alpinists and canyoners! Be sure to perfect the technique in a safe environment before attempting it on site, when stress levels can be high! It allows for the retrieval of a rope, after securing it to a life supporting anchor, and after descending down one strand.

In conclusion, "a lot of things could go wrong", but it is "super safe".
Seriously ?
That's with any system if you don't PRACTICE. I encouraged the viewer to perfect this particular system in a safe environment before trying it out in real life. Because, if you practice, it's a "tried and true method" for a retrievable rappel.

Youre the first viewer to miss the point.
No, I didn't miss the point. What I say is that no matter your pertinent info in between, "super safe" has nothing to do with "a lot of things could go wrong". Practice all you want, if something could go wrong, you can be sure that this will go wrong, just add time, repetitions and a variety of circonstances in the equation.
No, I didn't miss the point. What I say is that no matter your pertinent info in between, "super safe" has nothing to do with "a lot of things could go wrong". Practice all you want, if something could go wrong, you can be sure that this will go wrong, just add time, repetitions and a variety of circonstances in the equation.
I don't recall saying that if you practice perfectly, that if you make a mistake, shit won't hit the fan. I was simply making sure people know that that the Ghost/Macramé/Equivocation hitch is a complex knot that, without practice in a safe environment first, shit will certainly hit the fan.

Now that you know what I meant, replay my video so that you can audibly hear for yourself that this was all I was saying.

I think it goes without saying (gee, I THOUGHT it went without saying) that anything that is practiced is safer than anything that isn't practiced. I'm not entirely sure why you're giving me a hard time about encouraging people to practice. No climbing system is perfect for all situations, and I'm not so ignorant as to suggest that, if practiced, you can't make mistakes. You're the only viewer to make this ridiculous assertion.

No climber is going to be able to perfectly execute every climbing system every time. But they damn well have to. When your life is literally on the line, why am I such an asshole for encouraging people to practice?
It's been a long run guy and gals, but I will no longer be promoting my videos unrelated to friction hitches on this website. If you've enjoyed my content and want to learn more from me, I would encourage you to visit the link below and hit "subscribe" and "all" so that you won't miss a video!

Again, JUST friction hitch videos will be posted from now on, so don't miss out on the climbing content on my YouTube channel!

Thanks to the Tree House for supporting my vision of tree climbing and for supporting my climbing content for so long! This is a personal choice. This site is for experts and most people on here don't need my guidance! Thank you!

This is a pretty childish response to the patience you have been shown.
What's so childish about making a personal decision to revert my thread back to being all about friction hitches? Look at the title, friend.

I've been getting criticism for years. That's not what this is about. I'm like Teflon. You don't see me fleeing. Who am I educating here? Almost nobody except @lxskllr engages on this thread. Take a look for yourself.

Funny how you finally engage with a last minute criticism. Like I said. You all claim to know me. But you haven't a clue.
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You got into it with Mick and Burnham, and they reacted with more patience than I would have, and this is your reaction.
@Dave Shepard I just took issue with you calling my executive decision childish when it's actually well thought out and has been something I've been contemplating for months.

I'm sorry. I feel like everyone is attacking me lately, and with my unfinished move, I'm very stressed out. I still stand by what I've said. But just know that I'm sorry if I've offended.
I never said that practice isn't needed. Where did you got that?
Stop making your own version of what other people said. I'm impressed by how often you misunderstand the meanings in the exchanges.
I didn't invented it, you just said this in the post 788:
I was simply making sure people know that that the Ghost/Macramé/Equivocation hitch is a complex knot that, without practice in a safe environment first, shit will certainly hit the fan.
So, this knot certainly doesn't qualify to be labelled "super safe".
Don't mislead your beloved viewers. You put them in a serious risk by this false assertion.

I love how you cut out the pertinent information in between those two phrases. For those who are confused, watch it for yourself.
I watched it again to be fair. As for what you said in the vid, it's at the 5:00 mark and I quote you by the word :
"Make sure to practice before you ever put into use this in a real situation. Because a lot of things could go wrong but if you're careful, it's a tried and true super safe retrievable rappel anchor."
Everyone can appreciate the pertinence of the information cut out in my reply !
I never said that practice isn't needed. Where did you got that?
Stop making your own version of what other people said. I'm impressed by how often you misunderstand the meanings in the exchanges.
I didn't invented it, you just said this in the post 788:

So, this knot certainly doesn't qualify to be labelled "super safe".
Don't mislead your beloved viewers. You put them in a serious risk by this false assertion.

I watched it again to be fair. As for what you said in the vid, it's at the 5:00 mark and I quote you by the word :
"Make sure to practice before you ever put into use this in a real situation. Because a lot of things could go wrong but if you're careful, it's a tried and true super safe retrievable rappel anchor."
Everyone can appreciate the pertinence of the information cut out in my reply !
I'm over this. I don't need one critic to tell me what I meant in my own script. It's all good. But thank you for your input.
The above Short about the Equivocation hitch got (as of the last 36 hours) 13K+ views, 684 "likes," 174 watch time hours (the amount of hours people spent watching this under 60 second clip), 77 shares, 45 new subscribers, and a CTR (Click-Through-Rate) of 7.1% (it measures how may people swiped versus watched; for me, and my ultra niche content, this is pretty good). Also, my video only had 3,822 impressions (the number of times YouTube promoted my video), which means that 9,415 of those views were people searching for this hitch and/or my loyal subscribers (almost 8K subs at this point) supporting it.

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Revenue is terrible with Shorts unless you have a huge channel. They pay by the minute and Shorts can't exceed 60 seconds. I make all of my revenue off of my long form content, where videos that are at least 8 min or longer have mid-roll ads. It sucks that I have to allow advertising, but it helps me pay the bills and grow as a channel.

On a less serious note, I got a comment from someone that made me say, "wtf?" I do my best to avoid censoring my comments section a little as possible. Pretty much anything you comment will show up immediately in my comments section, and you can edit as many times as you like without denying you access until some overlord approves it (you know who you are in the YouTube tree community; two major offenders out there to free speech). But if you say something like this...it gets flagged on my channel.

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Notice the normal, everyday, acceptable comments and then this... I'm going to delete it afer I show you guys because I have to keep my AdSense account safe and secure so I can continue getting advertisers and revenue. Just thought it was funny. Here is the video he is referencing...

Basically, he's talking about using the Figure 8 descender to prolong orgasms. I thought that was beautifully random and funny. Deleting the comment now, though. haha
EDIT: The other stats just above the ones for the Equivocation hitch short are my total stats for each category over the last 28 days. But the stats you see for this particular short are only for the last 36 hours.

I've had two other shorts this month perform equally as well, or better in some regards. Doing big things. While the revenue for Shorts is terrible, the views and new subscribers/shares it produces is usually exponentially better than my long form individually. But I have so much great long form content that I get just as many new subs from my long form as my short form right now. Which is a sign of a balanced channel since around 35% of my viewers watch either only my short form or only my long form content, with around 30% watching both. =-P
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