Che, do you have power yet?
Nope, not yet. No sign of anyone from the company. But since the line that feeds this area is down on my driveway, I'm sure I'll know when they're around.
The generator has been a god send to my sanity as well as everything else. I'm checking weather.....we're expecting 1-3 more inches of snow today. BUT....on a WONDERFUL note, Mike was able to take a day off work and he and Mick are out taking care of fences, feeding, etc. I get to stay where it's kinda warm and take care of business inside. We're on a 'boil water advisory' since the water came back a few days ago. That's fun.
Washing dishes and clothes has been an adventure. With the generator I can get the washing machine going, but only with cold water. The dishes I do by hand and rinse with boiled, hot water.
Mickey's made a few bucks in town, but we need him here and we don't pay anyway near as well....sorry to say. He has learned how to handle a chainsaw a bit. I pulled out my 'chain saw safety' folder and made him read it all. He was tied into the bucket on the tractor yesterday trying to clear out my MIL's driveway. Got it done, redneck style.
Eric and Brian....I'm not sure if you've left already....I hope you've brought good waterproof boots. It's muddy, wet, cold.....alternating between frozen ice ground and VERY cold, mucky mud. The ice on the trees left during the 40+ degree weather Sunday (?) so things are a bit more stable now....hard hats are still definitely advisable.
OK....back off the grid I go.......................