Hunting 2016

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Did you just shoot them all to get rid of them? Or did you eradicate them some other way?

I did do a pretty good job at thinning them out by shooting but I have to give them damn yotes credit for something. They keep them thinned out better than I do.

Nice turkey and pig Ray. Make some good eating. I would take wild turkey or pig to domestic myself.
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How does a wild turkey compare to Butterball?
The taste is about the same Jim. A wild one doesn't have as much meat as a pen raised gobbler but he's out chasing the ladies and having to fend for himself without the aid of growth hormones. A good gobbler here will weigh 15-20 pounds.
Let me know how you like the FoxPro.
Whoa Ray! a nice Tom and a pig all in the same day now thats hunting :thumbup:

Pork wrapped turkey in the smoker, Yum!
Them is some good after dark pics. I'd be putting a hole in that sucker, we finally cut down the local population at my inlaws. Finally song rabbits in the yard after atleast 3 years. It kinda gives me mixed feelings about wolves though, they do kill a lot of coyotes but coyotes are easier the hunt. My big lab can hold his own in a one on one with a coyote, but I think a young wolf would make a meal out of 2 of him
We have some guys around here that put radio transmitters on their dogs and they track them from the road as they chase yotes. They shoot them or their dogs chew the hell out of them. Pretty tough to keep their numbers in check.
As far as I know, wolves are still being hunted in Montana. The states fought for a long time to de list wolves, Idaho and Montana had a working plan. Wyoming said they were gonna kill em all, that slowed down the de listing process.

There have been stories like this in the past, mainly with livestock. 50 or 60 sheep in one night, nothing eaten.

Not sure that feeding the elk like cattle is the best method for managing them. Makes em dumb, less hardy, and gathers them in one spot for wolves to kill them.

Wonder what the ratio of elk helped to elk killed is? If feeding them really makes a difference, I guess it would be worth while.

They are probably feeding them so the elk dont destroy the ranchers haystacks. A herd of elk can really make a mess in the winter.
The girls been showing up alot, old pic this month. This pic had 6.

I looked out 7am Sat morning and 7 was back there in daylight.

deergroupdoes.jpg deergroupdoe.jpg
That elk situation is nasty. Looks like the state needs to maintain their "livestock" to sell tags$. Why does every problem need to have a solution requiring the killing of one critter or another? I guess when all you have in your tool box is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
The hog hunting is admittedly fun. It differs in that it is control on a non-native species.

Wolves and elk = native
It is a conversation that needs to be had.

“alien, native, aggressive, competition, invader and harm” are empirically hollow buzzwords that are constantly redefined at the whim of those who use inflammatory, arbitrary jargon to promote the war on weeds and wildlife.

This is a good read on bogus biology. Texas is loaded with bogus biology. One that gets me is the millions put into the Desert Big Horn which is mostly funded by uber-rich hunters. They kill hundreds of mountain lions yearly to "protect" these "wild" sheep. No nevermind to the fact they are inherently letting the dumbest of the herd remain alive and pass on the stupidity. They kill off elk to protect these sheep despite the elk being native on the other side of the basin.

Since “alien, native, invasive, aggressive, unnatural, harm, integrity, eco-system health” etc. are not defined they can neither be tested, nor used to develop operating rules for practices. They are useless in predicting outcomes. But they produce what most government agencies can only dream of: full employment in an ever-growing, perpetual, unwinnable war against countless enemies, identified as they choose and redefined as they wish, resulting in a river of public funding for agrochemical companies, agencies, researchers and wildlife “managers.”

Most govt and non-govt biologists/researchers are not looking for the truth. They are searching for funding and evidence of what they already believe.
Looks like an interesting article, I'll be reading.
Ha, I figured I would get a rise out of Nate with that one.

I could not believe how spendy it was to heli-hunt hogs. Lots of videos on the net about it, looks like a good time. Especially when you see how destructive the hogs are.
The just need more pig biologists, works here, more fish biologists, fewer fish, more wildlife biologists, fewer deer& elk
The heli hunting has to be spendy. Do you know how much it costs to keep a prop spinning on one of those birds? Rotary aircraft are a different animal.

FYI - What I was engaging in was from a twin engine fixed wing aircraft that my father owns and burns about 4 gal/hr of super (rotax engines). Fun but not effective at removing pigs which will never be eradicated. At best, their numbers can be controlled.
Just added an armasight thermal scope and .308 to the hog eradication arsenal. The armasight can record video. Hope to have footage in a few weeks :D