Actually, people are generally pretty accepting of the primates by design. The babies are cute, I will grant that. Unfortunately, the chimps grow up and turn into incomparable thieves, raiding orchards and fields in mass. They have to qualms about taking your lunch right out of your hand if you aren't looking. The real problem, Dave, is that there are just too many of them. Normally people think them too close to humans in ancestry to hunt, so permission is usually only given when the numbers have grown into some kind of chaos. They can work through a rice field stripping plants quite quickly. Lots of orchards have gone to electric fences. Don't feed the monkeys! The tourists still do. Still, it is apparent that the monkeys dislike humans, no matter the circumstances. There is concern as well when the monkeys are around and so are young children. Especially the males are large and quite strong. I've had one come after me when cycling, trying to bite my leg. A rather persistent fellow, I suspect a young male trying to impress the ladies. They have some big ol' teeth and can open their mouths quite wide. You sure wouldn't want to get bit.