How long have you been here ?

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I am really liking this history lesson/

I probably didn't get here to '04-'05? MB was already banned from AS and Skwerl too. I remember Gigi, and Andy and Gary for sure from AS.

I had soooo much trouble finding this place, I'm pretty sure it was Gary who clued me in.

Anyone remember Doug (climb 020)? or know what happened to him? He came up to Mass for a rec climb a while back. I remember him defending MB over at AS about some nonesense the Aussies were spreading....then he disappeared from the boards altogether.:?
I remember him Climb 020 yeah i always wonder where different people who were active went .
Always find a few over at tree buzz.
I remember MB on AS but I wasn't on the Treehouse yet, mainly on the Buzz. I was temporarily banned from AS for saying bad words and I never went back.

I moved over here from the Buzz when the whole safety police/hand wringing thing started to bug me. Some time in there Ekka was banned from the Buzz and started treeworld. I got an account there but never visited. These are the people I like, solid group.

I don't know dates and stuff though, just events.
Xtremetrees was a hoot. Riverrat was a funny guy too. anybody remember Tony / Xin?
I really liked Ken, the dude from NY, used to call himself 395xp. He was a proper old school tree killer.

Yeah he was a cool bloke, he got a little annoyed with Franz I seem to remember over that picture of him after he sold his tree business surrounded by piles of cash, he took Franz comments totally the wrong way.

It is fun to wander through the memories, ain't it. I too remember the original Solaris format...guess that means I joined long ago.
Begley ended up being a soap opera . Being this is the internet how much of it was actually true can best be left up to the reader .,

What first appeared to be a tragic suicide was supposidley falsely fabricated by a scorned woman .

I like most took it it to be truthfull at first hand and publicly expressed my consolances after not posting on that site for many months as did others .

Then it was brought out that the scorned woman had allegedely fabricated the whole story and I lost interest in the whole scene .

Not too long after that I along with 20 some other people including Gyp got banned at about the same time ..I guess when the site owner asked what problems were and how to correct it he couldn't stand to hear the truth .It's for the better anyway .
I remember that... what a frikkin weird scene that was. I surmised Begley perpetrated the whole deal and tried to pass it off on the scorned woman. Weren't his relatives involved somehow too?

I was banned not long after that by some puritan asshole, I can't remember his name... the offending language was, 'god damn'. Which isn't even actually a curse. It was well used too, I was proud of that post.
I got here shortly after the demise of the "Squared Circle" (I think that's what it was called.) From what I understand it was a free-for-all forum much like Hell's Kitchen which, naturally, had no place in the Treehouse.
I got here shortly after the demise of the "Squared Circle" (I think that's what it was called.) From what I understand it was a free-for-all forum much like Hell's Kitchen which, naturally, had no place in the Treehouse.

Maybe, but you were so f*cking funny in hells kitchen. I dont think any of the participants in that little game knew what hit them when you piled in...

Begely was an idiot. I remember him posting here for a while, Butch gave him a smoking jacket avatar
:lol: That Hells' kitchen thing,Butch and I ate them up and spit them out .

The only contender was Gyp and he got banned for four days so being a gentleman I refrained from the fray until the Gypster could participate once again .

It was so much BS people had no idea if we were serious or not .Which we weren't .
I was. I made up a cover for wannabe logger magazine. It featured Gypo with his 020 stihl (my biggest saw yet!) Dennis 'fetch me a stool' Cahoon, and a main feature 'Hotsaw racers - Crap in real life Shock!' among other well crafted piss takes. what a hoot.
I thought I saw RiverRat lurking in here not too long ago.

I didn't care for the whole Hell's Kitchen scene. I did not like how people who were not involved in the fracas got insulted. Gypo said some uncool things about Gigi and Che that put me off of him for good. Hell's Kitchen is the only forum I've been ejected from.
OM ,you took it too seriously .However I like youreslf try to be gentlemanly enough to never throw the ladies or others family members in the fray .

IMO that thing was dreamed up by D to get more online participation as much as he might handle the truth carelessly regarding that subject .A fact he does on a continuing bassis .

Some people choose the prevaricate when the truth would suffice better .:P;)