How do you like the new forum? New tricks for posting?

  • Thread starter Thread starter SeanKroll
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Thanks, Tim. I'm gonna have to experiment. But I have to say, it sure isn't intuitive to me, which seems like website design in need of some improvement. Like Butch, I'm just a dog watching television :).
I love that I can start writing a post or reply, get distracted by something and end up on a different site, then whenever I come back to the thread, whatever I wrote is still there waiting to be finished or posted.
Thanks, Tim. I'm gonna have to experiment. But I have to say, it sure isn't intuitive to me, which seems like website design in need of some improvement. Like Butch, I'm just a dog watching television :).


I think the problem may be that it's a paradigm that's assumed everyone knows. Not everyone lives on the internet, so more assumptions are made when designing the interface. It's simple, but it's hidden, so harder to learn.
I have it but I is white on gray tab it is hard to see. BLUE is the color that the human eye perceives most easily...grabs out attention best. But then orange is a popular color for chainsaws....Husky...Stihl...maybe we need an orange favicon.
I've always heard green, being center spectrum, was most visible. That's why night vision is in green, having the most discernible shades, and green laser pointers appear bright at much lower powers than blue.

Blue does have a way of popping out though.
Oh god dammit that was short-sighted of me, I have a dark theme so that was my first instinct was to use a white icon. I’ll remake it with some color.
Brandon: Yer a good man.

Corey: I'm freaking right out right now. Is Butch still here!? Can I still manke the :drink: ... oh... wow... this is blowing my pea-sized cranium away. Love you guys. Are we all gonna be o.k.?
I've always heard green, being center spectrum, was most visible. That's why night vision is in green, having the most discernible shades, and green laser pointers appear bright at much lower powers than blue.

Blue does have a way of popping out though.
I think you are I'll have to re-check my self. They are right next to each other in the light's one of them anyway. :D
A little detail, can't we get reed of the cookie's window when opening the forum?
Just one click, but it gets under my skin, like the privacy shit of Imgur.
Here's Me: I arduously learn me some tech, about 18 months behind the curve. The tech changes. I arduously learn me some NEW tech (about 18 mounths behind the curve) The tech changes. I arduously... My sad little life man. I love you gentlemen.