Woods walker
Thanks, Tim. I'm gonna have to experiment. But I have to say, it sure isn't intuitive to me, which seems like website design in need of some improvement. Like Butch, I'm just a dog watching television

I can do that other stuff - I just don't know WTF a favicon is!I'm just a dog watching television
Thanks, Tim. I'm gonna have to experiment. But I have to say, it sure isn't intuitive to me, which seems like website design in need of some improvement. Like Butch, I'm just a dog watching television.
I think you are right...now I'll have to re-check my self. They are right next to each other in the light spectrum...it's one of them anyway.I've always heard green, being center spectrum, was most visible. That's why night vision is in green, having the most discernible shades, and green laser pointers appear bright at much lower powers than blue.
Blue does have a way of popping out though.
I have a dark theme so that was my first instinct was to use a white icon.
I just mean that my browser itself is dark. I still use the Green theme on this site.Be nice if we had that option. No big deal but the only other forum I go to has one and coming from there to here is a bit bright at first.
If you stay logged in, you shouldn’t keep seeing this.A little detail, can't we get reed of the cookie's window when opening the forum?
Just one click, but it gets under my skin, like the privacy shit of Imgur.