How do you like the new forum? New tricks for posting?

  • Thread starter Thread starter SeanKroll
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I'm going to try this thing...

@Burnham...scroll back a few posts, we discussed the 'mark forums read' thing that you need to do so you can skip to the first unread posts like before...
Posts # 153, 155 and 162
As far as I can tell, this doesn't do shite for helping me get a message direct from you, or help me reply directly to you, Fi...or anything else. Probably a dumb me issue, I'll own it. I thought the @ thingy was supposed to hook into something like the old PM interface...again, I may be way wrong on that, another dumb me problem, likely :).
The @ just lets you know someone mentioned you in a thread. You get an alert and a link to the thread. You can then respond or not.
I just pinned the tab here, and noticed it had a generic icon. A favicon would be cool.
hm...the little "icon" disappeared in the bookmarks bar of my is still there but now it's invisible?
So, you click that instead of the @ Brandon thing?

Trust me, I might be asking stupid questions, but I guarantee you I'm not the only one here who's derped out.
As far as I can tell, this doesn't do shite for helping me get a message direct from you, or help me reply directly to you, Fi...or anything else.

Hey, Burnham! I'm not sure if what I'm doing here is any kind of answer to your question, or not. What I did here was to highlight the above text in your previous post by left-clicking with my mouse, and dragging the mouse cursor over the text I wished to highlight. Once I'd selected all of the text I'd wished to include as part of the quoted material, three options automatically appeared on the screen, to either "search" or "copy" or "reply with quote". I left-clicked on the "Reply" option, which generated the quoted text you see above, in the text box where we normally type up a response.

You then put your mouse cursor outside of the quoted text area and start typing to respond to the particular part of someone's post that you bothered to highlight. Once you post the reply you've created, the person you've just quoted will receive a notification when they log into the forum that you have "responded" to their post, with a link that they can click on that will take them directly to the post you just created and posted in the forum. Sorry if this long-winded post is not understandable. Just trying to take a shot at things.

@Burnham; What I've just done here is to use the "@" symbol followed by your username, with no spaces, to "mention" you in a post. Doing this should add one number to the total number of alerts you get at the top right of the screen, over the little symbol that looks like a bell. Left-clicking on that symbol will generate a drop-down list of your specific alerts, along with a separate link associated with each alert. Clicking on any one of those links will take you directly to the post in which someone "liked" one of your responses, or to the post in which they've quoted one of your posts, or a part of your post, or when they've "mentioned" you, by using the "@" symbol, like I did here.

So, to reiterate, left-clicking on the "alerts" icon will open up the list of links that might do what it is you are trying to do.

Also, you can still send private messages by left-clicking on the envelope at the top of the screen, and left-clicking again on the "start a new conversation" option. I hope some of this helps.

Your favicon is white on white. Cant see it. Posted a pic for you to see elsewhere.