The Tree Doctor
I didn't see the option for using a spotter. 

Yes lots of terminology. How about " felling notch" or just notch. The point where the 2 cuts meet can be called the "apex". Not representing a Humbolt here but in a conventional notch the first cut is the downward diagonal cut aiming the saw's felling sight in the process. The second cut starts at the bottom of the 1st cut, then sweep cut across while looking down from above through the diagonal cut watching for the 2 cuts to meet.
To be honest it just takes repetitive practice and in little pecker poles just a quick slash is enough for a notch.
Now, as a residential arborist in the East Puget Sound area, I find that no two tree guys agree on what the heck we're doin' around here, and I'm actually really curious to see how people in different parts of the country/world go about things. My foreman's feelings get really hurt when I refuse to backchain (There I go again! It means: to cut with the top of the bar.) both cuts--horizontal and diagonal--on the face cut. He does everything by "gut feel"--also Jerry's term--but his cutting is just nasty.
Don't see how anyone can sight a lay by doing the angle cut first.
Ok lets say the 1st cut could be a vertical cut, I like to cut at ground level and cutting down vertical into the flare is good...... thats where the strongest and widest hingewood is.Except there will always be the agument that says Willard is badly wrong when he identifies the first cut as the angled one. I fear I disagree with him there pretty strongly.
You guys who keep repeating that mantra comes off sounding a little provincial, to my year.Horizontal cut first...always. Don't see how anyone can sight a lay by doing the angle cut first.
Thanks Stig.You guys who keep repeating that mantra comes off sounding a little provincial, to my year.
In about ½ the world, all pro fallers do it the other way round, myself included.
I can't explain how I do, my English is not up to the task, at least not right now after a hard day in the woods.
I'm not computersavvy enough to upload a video, but on my homepage at the bottom of the front page is a short video, that shows how I do.
Some of you have seen it before.