If you can get a porta pony, you would be totally amazed at the torque it puts out. They even have a torque multiplier for them too, so they can thread up to 6" pipe. Even without the multiplier, it's enough torque to break your arm, hence the 2 foot long handle on it, and even with that it's a hell of a tug. It is usually used with a torque bar to restrain it (on anything over 1" pipe, and it threads up to 2") and the ridgid ones are designed to be used all day every day, just absolutely beating them to death. There is no way I would even attempt to just hold it and thread 2" pipe with it, when it would snap out of my hands it would likely kill me. I lack the vocabulary to express the torque that they put out, it's ungodly. Hunt down a 700, make an adapter for it, and you will turn your Hobbs into a crane winch. Here's a new one at home depot, it will last your career and then some. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjABegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw0MVV1K_0Ju7YmWs0p4n6Hn