Small town, always a mark up. In fact, just enough mark up to keep you from driving an hour plus out to get it cheaper. Sort of like, here is the MSRP... now add 20 plus dollars for fuel .... tada... mark up.
Our shipping costs more here too. Because we are off the beaten path and because they can. I doubt WesSpur will hurt the store with their pricing to the store. But after that... what the market will bear. Our brick and mortar store fronts are high rent as well. CA taxes suck. we all pay for the privilege of living in the hills.
I will quote something that was said by someone in that very same store.
A couple bags of concrete were needed for a weekend project. So a trip to town was warranted to finish the project. Just plain ran short of crete bought down in the valley for about $3.00 a bag (80#)
$8.00 a bag in town for a #60. When asked why so damn much a mark up. The person at the store said, "so where else can you buy a bag of concrete on a Sunday in town with out having to run an hour away for it." Nails and screws ... same story ... often almost double the cost local.
We have a lumber yard. Best you don't build a house from it.
Seriously. And forget food. You shop the sales. Or you drive an hour once a month and stock up.
This is not really a rant. Just saying. We still are paying almost $3.00 per gallon for fuel up here. I can get it cheaper next town over. But you should hear the motors running on those dredges

Hell, even Katy's check engine light comes on with the cheaper fuels. Had to drain the chipper once.

WTF right?