Certainly, certainly; the outer constraints are the genetics then the condition of the tree.
We view things at full power, to determine the range here; then define all else within those confines.
Weaker, more brittle Ash etc. would not hold itself to the works as well, would not give the leverage-able weight as much
>>and be more brittle to tension stretches and barberChair risks as well i think would be fair as examples.
In my area i look at Live Oaks as majestic, has all these good workable properties (and healths); glorious double cambium thick bark
>>but 'cheaper' made Water Oak locally, grows faster/weaker in trade(thin, watery bark); and in all ways only has a percentage of any attribute of my benchmark Live Oak.
Not really magicians; but sometimes close enough to blur the line as we restrict almighty gravity to just a myth; before twisting it's straight line forceFlow to our arc-ed bidding to chosen target!
i think these simple forces are all around us; so generic they blur to the background and can't see them, but in trees we play with these at such a grand scale, is like viewing forces under microscope to see what has been there all along; then can find everywhere!
Perhaps ropes and pivots scream their lessons,but must listen with eyes, hands (not advisable in real time); leaving only some forensic artifacts/hysteretics footprints to trace. Except if can see deeply into worx with mind's eye('peer-a-mid power') or hopefully some sensitive devices still partially on horizon to more fully know these secrets.
Re-cap:Faced sideLean/assume some typical forward lean home/to target; tension safer than compression control
>>still maintain weightless tree
will dd the 1 CoG forcePoint to load system, defines pivot (first avail. support point) and thus CoG leverages:
BENCHMARK: compressed part of hinge as machine pivot/central works,is the most loaded machine part;
add Input Power Source: Leveraged forces of CoG;REALIZE contains forces that are pro, con or neutral to path across hinge
Break CoG pro/con/neutral package of forces of to 3 dimensions(really only worry about dim3):
dim1: part of tree weight that is inline with gravity to pivot (compressed part of hinge)
>>thus these loads neutral to the equation(no worries/neutral)
dim2: path across narrow/minimal support axis of hinge, that is also perpendicular to dim1
>>dim2 pulls home to target(no worries)
dim3: 3rd dimension perpendicular to both previous dims
>>sideloadings ; distracting other 2 dims forces from target(neutralize)
All 3 dims meet at pivot (compressed part of hinge)
Generally let dim2 forces carry self and dim1/neutrals home to target,
like a marble wants to lightly go where i want it to on board, simply let it!
>>dim3 distractions to marble; neutralize w/ballast of auto-adjusting Tapered Hinge pulling to opposing side (rear field)
>>Thus dim1 forces don't care, dim2 forces pulls hard home, dim3 forces neutralized from equation = marble rolls downhill happily to target
As long as machine doesn't bind at some point; should be good; working just the tension forces to ballast sideLean! (no wind, brushing other trees etc.)
Allows a smooth flowing motion w/o drama
Compression adjustments can actually be more powerful/but volatile/dangerous because can be unrelenting and can require drama to work best; and are powerful enough to violate tree container(barber chair), shift roots etc.
Compression adjustment strategies to sideLean typically have an early pivotal change(hard close) before can tear-off freely; that is VERY high impacting.
Like a pool shot get the most out of a Dutchman shelf 'bumper' by slapping purposefully, hard into the shelf for rebound response, not just lightly placing tree on shelf and allowing to roll off! CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS.
Tension gives much control, and shears on overloading; and leaves tree container intact; compression adjusts can take that further/tear apart tree, and can be combined w/tension adjustments
E=MCsquared; is speed squared; compression slap can use speed multiplier, tension control can't
>>speed squared makes speed most important part of force formulae in times of change
>>ALSO sudden change of pivot in mechanix on Dutch close can punch back hard into charging forward forces with disastrous results(barberchair).
(Tho in lower loading climbing and emergency sitback stop in felling :full face dutch can be friend!)
Most early Dutchman shelf compression closes are unintentional(scary),hidden(face within a face), full face(no relief path) and kerf-face(problems of no face + more lean + pivotal change + speed) = possible disasters.
If tree is not a non-binding smooth moving 'monolith'(1 solid piece) ; it can have multiple moving parts that can bind against each other and create Dutchman shelf pushes, even unseen, internally fractured parts can bind against each other with deadly results!
First, the Bad (Good/Bad/Uglies): foolish lil'man w/loud saw invading land of giants doesn't get to go home today!
What it is like to lose a crew member to this devil all too easily and accidentally conjured:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uihB6H74KPo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Surprise @1.30+ something bound some place and did not flow freely
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IOfm3FEEgSg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Hidden, internal faults bind to BARBERCHAIR:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9O7H9qWdquk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>