California Hillbilly
Foot lock or just use the Pantin that should still be on your foot...
Don't underestimate the power of the SRT work system, young jedi.
Check out the Hitch Hiker thread started by PCTree.
While you may have to learn some new tricks, there are some really good advantages with SRT, whether at 20', 80', 150'...
I sorta dread climbing DdRT anymore, but that me. I actully did climb a screwy/ previously topped storm damage alder tree the other day, DdRT. First time climbing DdRT out of at least 10 or 20 climbing days.
Double TIP force on a bomber tie-in may not really matter that much. I'm 195 without gear. I just bounce test my TIPs, after a good visual check, either by my self, or also with my groundman. Been no problem.
Shane, feel free to tell us about yourself, your work, where you work/ self-employed, etc. Good group here, and a lot of cumulative knowledge. I don't know of any other members from Arkansas. What types of trees do you have there?---and feel free to share some pictures.