Haas splice

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Hi all,

Its been busy for me so haven't checked back recently. Had our first baby, moved to Germany so lifes been crazy.

I have not really had a look at how id do it, i want it compact so i would rather use one that uses a little pulley and double bungee length instead, i will post these up once I'm back in Australia.
I ended up just putting tube on the outside with some zip ties,it's not how I usually make stuff but...i got the wrong size something,no way it would fit. Works for me

Hey Sgriff,
Is that just a fixed eye weaving it's way through your ascender?
This setup seems to me as being essentially a small whoopie sling.
I got something brewing in my noggin to deal with the tubing and bungee length.
Something that could be described as a cross between a HAAS and SAKA.
Ha! It is actually like a whoopie lol
The eye is weaved through the two holes in a double bury type deal.
Thanks Sean, I tried 5/16 a while back and had the same results
Update, I think you need 1/2" tenex. Here is one I just made using 1/4" poly tubing. The splice is pretty easy, but you have to fight everything thru because it gets tight. Tried to detail the important parts.

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What am I not getting...why are you all continuing the bungee stretchy bit past the ascender? (or am I not seeing it correctly)
Mine is bungee from top of the ascender up to a clip, then static footloop from the bottom of the ascender. My ascender is a Basic.
The longer length provides more pulling power over a longer distance. Doubling the bungee for the shorter length would also help.
As I understood it, it isn't a matter of pulling power (if it's that, then two side by side fixed lengths would do the trick) but the length of travel.
The bungee cord has a limited extension ability which is too short to fit the body motion's range (if it's tied between the knee ascender and the bridge). That's a concern from the beginning. Haas is one clever of the solutions found.

By putting the low anchor point for the bungee very low, near the foot, you get almost twice the useful length (but the same strength). Even more with the small block added at the bottom in the new Haas.
Problem, you're fine with the bungee and it's working range, but it no longer pulls the knee ascender, since the ascender is above the lower anchor point. If the ascender can't be pulled, makes it be pushed up by a sturdy tether from the foot. The bungee only limits the sideway movements and avoids the thing to flip upside down. That's not a strong control (side load on a line) but that's enough to work. The tube inserted in the tether gives the sturdy property and at the same time a guide for the bungee.
That is why we make the bungee cord long enoug th reach around the neck and back to whatever SRT device we are using, presently the Akimbo.
That also holds the SRT device up, eliminating the need for a chest harness, neck band, whatever.
Thanks Marc, I understand it perfectly now! The tube pushes the ascender back up to make up for the bungee going all the way down.

Good thing I'm a midget, I don't need to have a really long bungee.
The tube is there to allow the bungee to stretch inside the short section of rope only. You could run the bungee cord outside of the rope and not need the tubing. The section between the ascender and the footloop has to be stiff if the bungee is just attached to the top of the ascender, to work like you described.
... The section between the ascender and the footloop has to be stiff if the bungee is just attached to the top of the ascender, to work like you described.

No, it doesn't...my bungee is clipped from the loop on my Seqoia SRT (where the suspenders attach) and ends clipped to the top of the ascender. Normal footloop clipped to bottom of ascender. Works fine.

My bungee and footloop are removable so I can use the ascender (a basic) in a 3:1 if I ever need to.
Bermy, you're right, I had it backwards. It's been awhile since I've used that type of knee ascender. On my Masters Classic I put two tubes for double bungee cords around the bottom of the harness. I only have to hook an ascender and a simple, extended footloop to the cords. On other harnesses, I use a condensed version of the Double Rope Walker system, with a doubled bungee. When you get the bungee cord working correctly they all do the job.
I posted a crude prototype on the Homemade gear thread in the Gear Forum. Now I have sewn a leather sleeve to hide the tubes and pulley. IMG_2018.jpg