I always liked the saying re setting chokers, "In for your job, out for your life!"[/QUOTE] Copy that I think that a "Game" might not include running for your FN life
Hey SK... other than a complete FALSE sense of mastery... the other main problem I have with GOL is the endosrement of bore cutting for ROOKIES , I know why they feel this way (i.e. control of directional falling to the last second , allowing faller escape).... I consider bore cuts an advanced technique not to be learned without lotsa of hours of convetional cuts....
You won't get "lots of hours of conventional cuts" if your first big headleaner kills you.
I have two things to say to that:
One, we use WAY shorter bars than americans, having long ago evolved beyond the point where we could only fell a tree, if we could reach all the way through from one side.
Stig, your condescending attitude might be more appropriate over at Arbtalk. They seem to enjoy looking down their noses at Americans almost as much as you do.