The Art and Science of Practical Rigging vs. TCIA Best Practices for Rigging in Arboriculture.

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Might put second pulley higher, it's side load would increase, but it is pulling lower crotch closed, first pulley from load pulls same open. Matching heights with 2nd to 1st takes all control leg force off 1st pulley. 2nd even higher starts relieving 1st of then even the primary load force too.
If guying back I would go higher on load side to have leverage over load pull and then perhaps bend that tightened line. This could be tail of higher 2nd pulley. Present lower pulley position I might just use carabineer as (s)light redirect. If raise 2nd pulley about same angle greater than 1st may then look towards reverse strategy of carabinier as close to load guide but higher 2nd support one babied with pulley for really carrying the load.
Angle of rig line pulls somewhat or fully back towards climber. Might try w/o hinge fold down and over so hitch point more under support at tearoff. Get it just right rope tension and angle and very little to no pressure on 'hinge' as all on rope and easy disconnect. Folding to side purposefully so not as full force as downward into greatest pull of gravity. Such light ballet handling gives less shock , handles more lightly and predictably w/o stopping and no facing. Slow becomes smooth becomes fast as turtle outpaces hare cleanly w/o missing a trick. Have to start real sweated tight, and tilt down to self tighten more, relieve to maintain tension balanced to load as needed.
Pulley gives more loading, setup than the Natural crotching suggested and could share across both upper crotches more evenly into the lower, as also side force used to compress together rather than shear lower apart type force. This is more like 3layer chessboard on Star Trek than checkers. Most Natural crotch rigs can be preset from ground and from farther away a/n. Could go with higher Natural crotch on right to lower pulley or even carabiner redirect as shown.
Co-doms give a shear point of fibers not dovetailing/mixing together laterally but rather more running fibers parallel to each other leaving a definitive shear line revealed if break 'glue' apart as more like butted together type joint than cross mingled fibers of dovetail, dado etc. of proper bell dominacy of ball joint for parent around child than competing siblings and no cross fibers.
Actually done fishing pole thingy numerous times left off lesser pulleys and just threaded the carabineers, evolving even further to spiral sans hardware as could, easier to set from ground to farther target too. Draw carabineer and tail up mid twist facing ground; gives ability to make more slippery(removal etc.) AND also a sweet sweat/swig point.
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Get a good handle on vector forces.

If you are wrecking rather than preserving, a natural- crotched rigging line through both forks is easy, effective, and remotely installed and removed.

Go break some tight forks by hand.
Consider loading vectors.

Get a limb and set it up on a small-scale.
Definitely... NC rigging using both sides of that co-dom is often far superior to the options shown. By using multiple crotches, the forces are spread out which allows the line to be set in higher points, whcih has multiple advantages. Sometimes a little friction is good (ie rings). And the strongest support for the illustrated systems above would setting blocks at the same level or tying the tail off at the same level, rather than staggering one lower. The guying system is rarely needed. Unless you only have one block. Normally I would only guy the tail back to a main stem if I'm trying to create some space between the TIP by using a small limb with a crotch out a few feet from the trunk. Tie the sling off to the main stem and hang the block out through the small crotch, for easier lowering and ground work. I don't know what happened to my copy of that book, and I also had the videos that went along with it. They both sucked!
TreeStuff ASPR $41
By the time these came out I was still hungry, but a bit beyond them.
But especially liked the vids over lunch I bought discussing with guys wanting to climb and then some even with ground crew. Well worth their price then, just for progressive steps and spawned conversations of many employees over the years, and a few loan outs Gave everyone a taste and respect of being alone in the air, cutting, safety topics etc. collectively to all to also be on same page, comparing me to it too i guess etc.
Perhaps now a select group of youTube vids would suffice, but these give staged steps of growth , industry standard etc.
But at any rate find them a respectable effort, and not sure what is implied as available to displace them with.
Just as the Ancients, tracing really how our intellect evolved in many ways, with the simplest tools.

To me, much of this we do is L-earning mechanix in general,
Except the exercises are all translated into rope and hinge languages etc.
>> but translate into just about anything else as well. fm125 rigging manual has some very basic considerations and aha moments fee free.
Not so tree orientated, except for the view of aligning all can to command your bidding as warrior in the middle of no man's land. That is exactly like tree work to me in many respects, on the fly , with what you know and simplest materials to make it happen.

More free is for me rope/hinging mastery links:
Professional Association of Climbing Instructors Australia rope research docs
lessons learned on The Nylon Highway
ropeLab Deviation Anchor Force Calculator
ropeLab: Two Point Anchor Calculator
ropeLab: Highline Tension Calculator
The Mechanics of Friction in Rope Rescue (thee capstan math reference)
& also my spread cheat from above paper's model
Roo's Notable Knots AND comments
Ashley's Book of Knots the knot bible/ hosted by Educated
The Fundamentals of General Tree Work by G.F. Beranek /hosted by Educated again in general !
Tree Care Industry: Greater Falling Accuracy Using the Tapered Hinge/Murphy
COURSE IN REDUCED-IMPACT LOGGING: Chainsaw Use, Safety Practices & Directional Tree Felling Techniques
YouTube: Tree Felling Don't Become a Statistic (~8.30 in felling cuts/mine)
TreeBuzz docs
vtio: Working the Angles Understanding force vectors in tree climbing
vtio: Single Rope Technique
vtio: Knots for Arboriculture (some Samson)
vtio: Introduction to Redirects

Get your read(& vid) on!
Turn Tapered Hinge fat end up for rigging across etc., play with things and find the consistencies.
Felling topics extend into aerial tree etc.
This is all, totally and completely in every possible way imaginable and then sum:
"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon
edit: one of my most intense expansions on raw rigging theory was evolving to climbing without spikes.
Simply must know rope more 'intimately' and more a perception of not only feeling as the controller of the system, but the way that rope worked on the load(moi), angles of pull, heat build ups, tension changes etc., all under the intensity of azz being on that line too!
In time really got sense of floating as relaxed and just layed into line like cradle, floating me to neutral with equal/opposite force force in rope against weight.

Later edits:
Life on a Line
Displacement Cable Sag Error Calculator from TB.discussion on Length of line between Porty and tailer man docs: splice-instructions/lock_stitching_whipping_seizing_procedures_web.pdf docs: rope inspection-retirement-pocket-guide_aug2013_web.pdf docs:energy-absorption
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  • #29
TreeStuff ASPR $41
Just as the Ancients, tracing really how our intellect evolved in many ways, with the simplest tools.

To me, much of this we do is L-earning mechanix in general,
Except the exercises are all translated into rope and hinge languages etc.
>> but translate into just about anything else as well.

(Army manual)
Not so tree orientated, except for the view of aligning all can to command your bidding as warrior in the middle of no man's land. That is exactly like tree work to me in many respects, on the fly , with what you know and simplest materials to make it happen.
edit: one of my most intense expansions on raw rigging theory was evolving to climbing without spikes.
Simply must know rope more 'intimately' and more a perception of not only feeling as the controller of the system, but the way that rope worked on the load(moi), angles of pull, heat build ups, tension changes etc., all under the intensity of azz being on that line too!
In time really got sense of floating as relaxed and just layed into line like cradle, floating me to neutral with equal/opposite force force in rope against weight.
Appreciate your appraisal of the books I asked about and also all the links to other documents.
What you said about the connections between spurless work position and rigging very helpful. Lawrence Schultz talks about this in a video somewhere. He calls it rigging yourself.
I have the ASPR and am a new climber 1.5 years in and the book had great foundation but just after my own common sense and research (yes some YouTube) the book left me wanting more and having many questions. Which is probably a great problem to have when learning something new. There is a very technical article I found called “working the angles, understanding force vectors in tree climbing.” It is by the Victorian tree industry organization. Definitely worth reading, gave me more understanding in my rigging forces which gave me more confidence. Should just be able to google it and find a free download
Wow, nice adding to list/deck above:
vtio: Working the Angles Understanding force vectors in tree climbing
vtio: Single Rope Technique
vtio: Knots for Arboriculture (some Samson)
vtio: Introduction to Redirects
and some peeks inside the workings:
ropeLab Deviation Anchor Force Calculator
ropeLab: Two Point Anchor Calculator
ropeLab: Highline Tension Calculator

Really, really; perhaps quite unpopularly hear, the Ancients show it all completely from living it even so much more rawly than even us;
by decoding this all to directness or deflection via cosine and sine respectively.
With multipliers of length, rigidity and dynamics of speed etc.
If something is connected to event it is either thru direct minimal distance, totally aligned as cosine to the force OR
if connected not aligned then is of sine.
>>cosine is the minimal distance benchmark of totally aligned 1D starting point i set to the linear force and go from there.
>>cosine/sine range from 0 to 1 as (to me) percentages of the total potential influence of each
>>reading these thru the clock angles and numbers as have shown made up/started in highschool has allowed me to decode on the fly in day to day events as 2nd nature.
Ancients proved that these even command the stars above, so all below encompassed by same rules;
that we can't find exceptions to even microscopically nor in magnetic waveforms etc.; as they truly cracked the code!
Even in our computer games/virtual reality: we L-earned to calc the shadows by cosine and sine or don't look real to eye that witnesses them all the time.
>>used to be no shadow , or just a single fade, then they tried gradual fades for shadowing >>survival watcher eye calls all fakey
>>then they used cosine and sine scales for fades and motions etc. GAME CHANGER, they call it more organic/real/Natural
>>that is where i stole terms for an arc 90 etc. being organic, but a corner 90 inorganic
>>the arc is a continuous flow organic logic, the corner is flow>>stop>>reset>>new flow abortive(to flow) fakey attempt by this standard.
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Interesting information on shadows in games and videos. I did not realize how clever the watcher survival I (eye) really is.
I remember having that much excitement and enthusiasm discussing my advances in climbing techniques. I suspect you'll do well and go far. It's enjoyable seeing your excitement.
I remember when you used to talk about practicing opening biners with one hand while sitting on the couch... just to practice
I have the ASPR and am a new climber 1.5 years in and the book had great foundation but just after my own common sense and research (yes some YouTube) the book left me wanting more and having many questions. Which is probably a great problem to have when learning something new. There is a very technical article I found called “working the angles, understanding force vectors in tree climbing.” It is by the Victorian tree industry organization. Definitely worth reading, gave me more understanding in my rigging forces which gave me more confidence. Should just be able to google it and find a free download
what do you think of this one?

That was a lot like the vtio vector force article. Couldn't see the ground all the way but could tell there was that gazebo and I would like to think there was something else down there that required them to rig it in the first place. Seems a little poorly thought out honestly. Could have kept a stronger limb for last, could have kept one that was leaning away from the final stem to be chunked down so there would be more compression in the limb, if the ground was clear enough could have just negative rigged the piece if all they wanted to do was protect the turf. Not to mention he is climbing the tree so he has to climb back up that noodle of a branch to chunk it down (if the landing zone really is that tight). Final thought would be that "if" the video was shot when we had canopy friction devices like the safe bloc and triple thimble, could have easily put a triple thimble on that stem with all 3 holes and the rigger stepping back between the gazebo would be the one making the vector force more in line with the branch. Im still learning about different wood types and how they act but personally I wouldn't have used that stem to rig any of that big wood. Great video!!!
Oh I didn’t realize that was your video. Hope I didn’t offend in any way. Any insight you can share from the video? And I look forward to helping the guys I work with to learn from it 😁
Drawing shadows is just light as straight line and then side gradients from direct deep shadow INLINE, fading out...Naturally/organically!
Primal FFF preprocessor caveman brain/survival level quick scan before handing off to main frame or just take action and tell my dumb azz to jump outta da'way?
Moving shadows lurking, may be a threat.. but only felt so in virtual reality if read as real by primal brain as watcher;
>>but then can trick mind/opens door with VRs own 'organic' smoothness etc. >> preprocessor accepts and unlocks to brain main frame.
Forever grateful on that drawing lesson being so under the hood hard as was writing script as shown online etc. before button press of today, and to steal the one keyword from it; they called it 'organic'; that i now apply to a 90degree rope arc as an organic FLOW
vs. a 90degree corner as inorganic of: flow>>abort/stop>>reset flow>>flow etc. as artificial, has taken rope theories very, very far.
Many times being on ground level of something like that you get the real view like that, before the gloss blurs the works under the hood.
The Ancients just lived at raw level without the gloss totally viewing AND touching things uncluttered like that. And no TV to watch etc...
Thus every step forward has a loss of such rudiments in trade, that we try to revisit in scouting, marital arts etc.
In the series about mountain folk Outsider's (not gang movie Outsiders with Cruise, Swayzee, Dillon, Lowe ,Macchio etc.) the towns people are afraid of the mysterious mountain folk living closer to rawness; and with good reason. Town comments at one time they have even forgotten the words to what the mountain people know instinctively by Ancients did.
i think in terms of cosine/sine incremented scales are counter-intuitive in that are not of even graduations as eye to pre-processor caveman brain does assUme ;
must interrupt what caveman part of brain gives as answer to high end brain to really see where eye lies, just like with magician's sleight of hand..
After ending up at cos/sin as decoding to solution so many times, in so many ways; smacking me in da'face after much effort, perhaps years of searching on one thing..;
ya may see me get lazy and just start there some, with cos/sin as foretold millenniums ago to use as decoding things to then read...
The clock tick comparison for angles and cos/sin/tan values has been real friend to re-train eye every day to 2nd Nature.

Tiny Hulk joined us for Halloween, but not a costume seems! Welcome aboard!
The doc should match the movie on main points as same maths kinda...
Watch force DIRECTIONs as a quantity just as a tension quantity is very key.
The inline support column of the wood is the main 100 % strength efficiency alignment of support column to load force, just as rope fiber.
Generally i benchmark the linear force direction as the cosine line, then deflections(sine) from support column alignment.
But, sometimes easier to benchmark from the opposite direction of perspective of the linear support column as the cosine, then show same deflection to force as the movie view seems to approach from. Just keep a 1D line as benchmark cosine either way.

Every potential connected to physical scenario can be shown by either benchmark cosine of minimal distance of 1D(cosine) alignment
or deflections to 2D(sine) from that minimal benchmark(cos) 1D benchmark line
>> or hybrids in range between these extreme(90 degree) parents.
>>for ALL physical displacements against space or it's reciprocal of physical force.
Kinda all the same in everything, only here rules are 'expressed' in rope language
>>but translates well to rest of languages etc. once get the hang of it, can sift it's silhouette out, and know what is pivotally necessary.
A support column aligned against force capitalizes on cosine in this model,
>>wrenching is the bastardization of support theory setting column length at 90degrees to force capitalizing on sine instead(Zer0 cosine)
>>force now comes across the minimal axis to then leverage against the long axis(reverse of column)
For me as mnemonic : co(lumn)sine and the sin(e) against, only column evolved to be column of force as initiator view rather than passive receiver of the column support view as in movie. Greeks did start with the visible column of support likewise i think, i went with he invisible force column..
>>should (parity)checksum back and forth against each other to same anyway!
Cosine/Sine decoding of event extends even into waveforms of heat, magnetic/electric, light, sound, water etc.
>>cosine wave always first in waveforms(thus i set to initiator of force above model to cosine)
>>then 90degree/half stroke later the sine wave follows(so i match in above model to sine)
Now view initiating force as a waveform of duration X; very consistent across whole model then.
>>L-earn of 1, L-earn of the other and cross verify between; see as all 1 rule.
Cos/sin commands(decodes) even the stars and then so all below they found;
>>we could NEVER prove them wrong on any aspect of that thru the millenniums..
>>shadow gradients where just another duh, aha, head slapping moment of that same lesson as i was trying to in fact show same cos/sin lesson in rope and hinge languages..! Another facet of the same jewel to see center truths; and self confirm the other facets.
Kenny, I got some of it but not all of it. I like the part about the primal base brain telling us what to do basically before we realize we're being told. That's survival on the basic level. Have you learned to cross the line of the words organic to your study of forces and rope is pretty cool. And the lurking shadows imagery is very good. My sine cosine tangent remembrance is weak and I really need to revisit some of that. I think it'll unlock a lot of how you describe things when I up my understanding. Thanks for the level of depth you offer. It's up to us to figure out how to take advantage of it.

Sometimes I have epiphany moments in my yoga or Indian clubs or martial arts that are significant but very difficult to try to explain; especially to explain in written word. So the moment is more of a solo moment than a shared moment. Thanks for trying to help some of us along as we read the rough edges but only occasionally see the supporting core.
I have to read Kenny's posts several times for my brain to process the info he presents.
Kenny: your mind operates at a higher intellectual level than mine.
It is humbling!
Oh I didn’t realize that was your video. Hope I didn’t offend in any way. Any insight you can share from the video? And I look forward to helping the guys I work with to learn from it 😁
no offense taken.. using true blue for rigging line is probably the best advice. It handles NC really well so you can switch out from blocks/rings to NC or use a hybrid system with main block and NC satellite rigging pints. and then use at least two overhead rigging points whenever you can.
I never get the sine cosine bits.

Seems to be referenced without explanation. Nobody else explains things with them.
ive climbed on true blue and I love the feel of it but never used it for climbing. With a MBS of 6600, that would be a 5:1 WLL of 1320 and is called a "low stretch" rope. How do you feel about rigging bigger wood with it? My current rigging set up is all 1/2in. Samson Nystron and Samson pro-master 3 strand (mostly for a tag line and NC when necessary.
Samson Stablebraid, or similar rigging line such as Husky bull rope (Atlantic Braids?) are considerably stronger than Daniel's TB. But they are less fond of natural crotch rigging.

Stablebraid being a double braid has advantage of being easy to splice as well
My current rigging line is 1/2 nystron with a 6in spliced eye where I run the notch backbone mini. Quick to connect a few small limbs or use it to do a girth hitch around a larger piece. I’ve had great success with it. Using it either with a notch #2 thimble or the isc mini green 1/2 block with my own custom made ultra slings and Whoopie. I love having a 2000lb WLL on such a king HR system. Typically never drop more than a 800-1000 piece around here and if I do I have my bosses 5/8 gear around
ive climbed on true blue and I love the feel of it but never used it for climbing. With a MBS of 6600, that would be a 5:1 WLL of 1320 and is called a "low stretch" rope. How do you feel about rigging bigger wood with it? My current rigging set up is all 1/2in. Samson Nystron and Samson pro-master 3 strand (mostly for a tag line and NC when necessary.
check out this video

ps.. I'm a 20% SWL for rigging, and I use double bowlines which lose a lot less strength an a standard bowline

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