Haha..and still the teachers don't give up on us. That is dedication!
I don't think Doug had much of a teacher, other than the school of hard knocks as a young bull of a custom cutter in western Oregon in the late 60's and 70's.
Yeah Sir: I think he's just slabbin' off a bit of that wolfey bark so that he has got something solid to dog off of for his near corner. Sometimes, when you slice vertically through the bark till you start to hit cambium, it's easier to just keep on cruizin downwards with the bar farther than one would need to, but then, you can just make a bar-deep (I should have said bark-deep) little horizontal cut in order to nip through the bark. Does that make an ounce of sense? That might be the "tiny face" you're referring to.
If you're referring to the back-cut: that's just to ensure that the spongy bark doesn't minimize your wedging capability.