Fishing 2017

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Ray what do you think of the Mirage drive pedal/fins system for kayaks by Hobie? Looks interesting and has a lot of good reviews. Gets your big legs into the propulsion system along with your arms. Sounds good for fishing.
It's the ultimate fishing kayak for sure Cory. I've got two fisherman friends that have them and they absolutely love them. Having both hands free while fishing would really be awesome but the price tag has me paddling for now. Maybe one day.........
I was looking into importing kayaks from china a while ago, the manufacturers wanted me to send them a Hobie so they could rip off the design. I didn't go through with it but Im sure its just a matter of time
kayaks from china

I know a guy that imported a hot tub from China, of all things. I was called upon to get it lifted into his second story balcony. That was about a year and a half ago and he still hasn't figured out how to get the electrics hooked up.
haha Jay whos at fault with this one? The buyer or the supplier?

Reminds of some clients that ordered a massive water tank and asked if we could lift it into their yard whilst doing the tree work, I immediately offered to book a crane for them.

Did you rig a pulley on a higher balcony or how did you lift her in?
Chris, I could get right up next to the house, so it was no problem making the reach with a UNIC. Strange how the Chinese crated the thing, with no indication from the outside which side was up.

I think he ordered the tub directly from China. He anticipated just plugging it in, but there was no electrical cord, just a hole in the side near the motor. For some reason he can't get it going without reworking the electrics in some way. Maybe he needs to put Chinese circuit breakers into his house. :lol:


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I've been avoiding this thread because I have been too busy to fish, Ray, you suck! 😉
you know damn well, 1.24 pm sunday blazing hot afternoon, he's out there now:P
LOL. Probably has a fish on the line right at this moment...or maybe he doesn't need to actually fish any more, they just give up and jump in the boat when they see him out there!
Kinda like this!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Some people have all the luck, finding a 15' great white aground in shallow water

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I am a traditionalist. I would have to grow a man bun if I had something like that kayak with little silly fins underneath. Take a thermos of Chi tea fishing.

Nope. Give me a paddle and a sixer of Busch light.

Besides, those are two different endeavors. Relax mode would require a kayak or a paddle board. Still in the market thank you very much.

Fish gathering is something different.
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Not all man buns are created equal