Bonita may not be so good for raw, unless you are the type of person that likes a very oily fish. Aren't they oily? People do eat Mackeral raw, which is very oily. I like a bit of it. Tuna is considered the best fish raw, big eyed tuna in particular, or Giant. Maybe all Tuna? I had some that a fisherman sent me, caught mid Pacific. Big eye, caught somewhere near the Johnston atoll, where the US used to test atomic bombs. When I received it frozen by the food transport, my plan was to share it with friends, but I ended up keeping it all for myself.

It was unbelievable. He said that he would be sending me some good stuff. I don't know much about fish, but there is a certain much smaller part within a fish that is more oily, and has the most delicate taste, I think near the spine. You can order that part at a sushi place, but they charge for it over other parts. Yellowtail is a favorite of mine, it is slightly oily and very good, has a distinct taste. Your Red Snapper is also good, but a very mild tasting fish. I wish I knew the names of the good raw eating fish, but there are many. Dipping in a little soy sauce with a little Wasabi (horseraddish) in it, is how it is generally eaten. I would guess that more fish can be eaten raw than can't. Don't ever eat a blow fish not done up by a skilled person, or you are dead! They serve it here, but a special license is required. Salmon is also excellent.