Fighting The Heat!!!

We had some heat recently. Nothing big, but we're Coasties. I could see the new guy sweating away in the sun, working in a less than really efficient way. Probably needed to cool down. He was arguing with me about how his way was plenty efficient, and if it were 5 to 10 degrees hotter, he'd work more efficiently because it would then be worthwhile. HUH?

Thinking about getting one for the groundie. In the tree, maybe, but usually in the shade to a degree, except for chunking a spar, and then sometimes.
Just "getting one for the groundie" is more to it than just buying it for him.

The dedicated ice chest, making the ice every day, that's the hardest part! It's an extreme PITA, but for me it's worth it.
I used mine today Butch. I really like mine with no shirt underneath which is very comfy and had a cute college girl either checking me out or wondering what the hell I was wearing:/: I find it to work best with no shirt or with a under armor shirt. I guess the colder the ice the better as well. Overall I like it. Today I would have taken several brakes just to cool off but kept on moving with it on. Worked well for at least 1-1.5 hours. Also had my Treestuff bandana on which is nice to keep the sweat out of your eyes. Thanks Butch for your recommendation:thumbup: I even found an ice chest like the one you got. Now I gotta start making the ice like you do.
I have been using the Cool Vest, I love it from 80 deg on the ground in open sun and have been in 85 - 92 deg weather in the trees and on the ground. Five extra pounds is not an issue to climb with and allows me to push harder without overheating. Yet to see how I do in 100 plus days. Will keep you posted.

I opted for getting three sets of cool pacs instead of two. I don’t carry water in my cooler just a frozen gallon jug and I figured sooner or later I will cause one to leak. This way I won’t ever be without the vest when I want it. I feel like it is paying for itself in increased efficiency. Thanks again Butch and all the frontrunners on this.
Thanks, Merle.

Our heat wave has been cancelled. Had some thunder last night, which is rare here.

What was supposed to be 106 on Saturday in Oregon is only mid 90s. I was going to buy Dahlia the 30-90 pound capacity pink kids cool vest.

I still might today.
Butch, I haven't figured out the ice block thing yet. What I've tried doesn't fully recharge. What size cube? More thane one?
All ice water is the same temperature - 32 degrees. The bigger the cubes, the longer they last. I use one big block made with a tupperware type container that take 48 hours to freeze. If I put the packs in when they're completely clear it takes 30 - 45 minutes to freeze solid white again. I can't imagine why yours isn't recharging if the water has ice in it.
a solution, like salt water will be colder, but will likely deteriorate the fabric, I'd guess.

They will pay for themselves by saving in travel/ setup/ breakdown time on days that we cut it short. I tell my groundie, as soon as they feel like they can't be as safe as normal, its time to stop. Easier to continue to wear a cool vest than stopping to dunk your head/ body under a cold hose. Not a luxury that is afforded to the climber very frequently. Of course, water can be sent up to pour over the climber.
I have been putting ice only in the cooler. You're saying the packs have to be totally submerged in water, right? That must be the step I'm missing.
Sean, if the packs need to be submerged, jugs of frozen water would not do the trick. That's essentially what I'm doing now.
jugs of frozen water are your ice packs. Submerge the jugs and packs in the water. If you need water, you can drink it from the jug as it melts. If not, just put the jug back into the freezer overnight.
I coulda used a cool vest today. Every year I think about getting one and then just tough it out. 6-2pm is our shift now and it's brutal to make it. I'm fortunate we have a dry heat or I'd never survive the temps right now. We're running around 90-100 for the last week or so and no end in sight. Today had some cloud cover that I was thankful for but that came with a bit of humidity.
If it's a dry heat, I dunno - you may be wasting your money. It's a real PITA getting your ice chest ready every day. Mike got a cool vest when I did and wound up never really using it and eventually selling it for half price. For me, as I've suffered from a mild heat stroke already, I'm in a weakened condition from the get-go so I really needed mine. You're still young and healthy, so it'll be a 300 dollar gamble.