Fighting The Heat!!!

I don't use a cool rag - I tried one and it didn't do anything for me. I use what's called a Cool Neck Wrap. It comes with dessicated crystals that swell when soaked in water. I keep two in ice water that I rotate.
My mother had once given me one of those neck wraps early in my climbing career -and I felt too much like Peter O'toole wearing it.
I'm considering these for the summer. Its as someone (Butch?) said, it might not feel like its working during the day, but at night, after work is done, you'll know.

How good is it to have AC in the truck to cool down between jobs or what not (I don't have it in my trucks)?

It would be interesting to take your body temperature before the cool vest and after. A change of half a degree could be significant, and I could imagine it.

Often a bigger removal, for the climber, is shaded until the spar take-down, later in the day, in greater heat. I can see this helping.

I'll try to work the shade/ sun in my task planning. For example, when I had to end-weight reduce a big conifer for 6 hours in the tree, I started on the south in the morning, and worked clockwise, using the sun and shade to my advantage.

In a total sun for the groundies type of situation, I have a EZ Up shade canopy. Good for splitting firewood in the summer, too (firewood processing area is total sun at my place).

That feeling when the last branch comes off and the sun/heat hits you like a hammer, often late morning when the sun is "warming to its task"
hate that!
I don't use a cool rag - I tried one and it didn't do anything for me. I use what's called a Cool Neck Wrap. It comes with dessicated crystals that swell when soaked in water. I keep two in ice water that I rotate.

Same here Butch on the cool rag. Cool for about 5 minutes then useless to me. I am still getting my vest in the very near future. Got the site bookmarked ready to go!
Same here Butch on the cool rag. Cool for about 5 minutes then useless to me. I am still getting my vest in the very near future. Got the site bookmarked ready to go!

Isn't it amazing how a company can get away with seling a product like that??? As you said, useless!

I guarantee you will love the vest. The worst part is preparing the extra cooler you need for the spare set. Most people can't handle having to do all that. It's a big PITA, but when you need it, you'll do it.
How big a pain? I have a chest freezer. Is that the big deal, having enough ice? I could probably do with a back-up set and only one change-out, with how our weather is here, typically, and on a real hot one, swap more than that.
The cool rag is not useless.

As I said, it's absorbent factor is nothing less than incredible. And when it's draped over your neck, regardless how you think it feels, once you remove it, your neck is cold to the touch. Wring it out, reapply.

Living with our humidity is a real bugger. I've only experienced humidity this bad near the DC area. But we have it for three X's the amount of time. And since I sweat like nobody's business, having the ability to catch what comes from just my head to the rag on my neck, keeps a lot more off my body.

So compared to a towel, or nothing at all, it's a God sent.
Szajer, just on the point of perspiration do also have issues with it pouring into your eyes and stinging? I tried the Halo headband from TreeStuff and it has a band of material that blocks the perspiration from my brow going down into my eyes instead channeling it around them. Works like a champ.
We don't suffer with the heat and humidity here as much parts of the US but for me it's all about sweat running down your back to the exhaust pipe. coupled with's a perfect storm of pain, I always take vaseline to work for the affected area, plus wet wipes if you need a crap in the woods for a total clean up!

Now there's a mental picture you didn't need!

Actually on reflection maybe MVADEN could do a portfolio on it:) (just a joke)
I tried the Halo headband from TreeStuff Works like a champ.

Yep! Got two Halo- plus a dozen or so HeadSweat head scarfs I've used for cycling. I couldn't climb without them I sweat so bad.
Nice to see others outside the cycling community using them under their helmets!

Hemorrhoids are a whole 'nother topic.

Meh, the $12 khaki pants from walmart are light enough to be cool enough for me. I can't believe how well those cheap pants hold up!
The khakis are light colored enough and my shirt is white.

I actually don't want to look like a painter, lol.
I'm thinking I might start packing my vest starting monday. It's beginning to heat up around here!
We had something close to a late frost here, all the keen vegee gardeners that had put in seedlings already, wished that they hadn't.