Fast growing shade trees that are car and people friendly

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  • #52
That's sad. I remember somewhere someone had some sort of redwood growing about 8-12ft/year
That's insane. If accurate, I wonder how strong they were? You got me curious. Some time this week I'll take a good look at them, and see if I can estimate their growth. I have pics of them in pots when I got them, so I should be able to estimate from that.

This is the day I bought them...


That's two dawn redwoods and two pawpaws.
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I doubt it was much. Unless a plant's hopelessly rootbound, they'll generally take off when put in open ground.
It did. I asked on another forum for opinions on what to do with it, debated awhile, and decided on living by my opinion trees can handle themselves. It culled the second leader itself. You can see in the pic it's starting to whither. It's totally gone now.
Just measured them. The one on the left is 6.2' and the one on the right is 4.7'. Assuming the pots are 8", they started at 3.5' and 2.1' respectively; eyeballed of course. Could be a fair amount of error. They were planted Nov 2018.
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  • #62
The Giant redwoods appear to have low wind resistance, should I expect lots of branches blowing off, or the tree snapping in half in a 50mph gust? The pines have held up well around here.
These things don't grow wild around here, but they've been fairly popular to plant, and I haven't seen any destruction. Some of the trees are approaching 100'.
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  • #64
The Sequoias? Dawn is rated for high wind. I've thought about trying to plant both together. Maybe the Dawns will help support the Sequoia, or if it is found to be too prone to wind damage, it can be removed, and the Dawns can fill in the gap.
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I was talking about the dawns. I don't know much of anything about the sequoias. I had just started researching them to put on my property, became aware of the dawns, and liked that they grew fairly fast. I'm getting old, and would like to see the trees be impressive before I die.
Over and again, the fast growers seem as quick tempered metal
>>not as good as the longer cured out.
Giant Sequoias grow pretty fast.
I brought this one home as a tiny seedling from California in 2005.

As for Dawn Redwood, we have some of the biggest in Denmark, because there was a Danish biologist on the expedition, that found them.
He brought seeds home and distributed.
Never have I seen one fail in a storm.


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