Over and again saw where especially Live Oak is tenaciously slow growing , slight cable twist /waves(hard to split)and double thick bark can about hang from ridges by fingers, totally better than faster especially Water Oak types that grow quick but thin 'watery' bark violated easier including by mistletoe. Even watery vs. thicker, spring back open leaves etc. Branch cuts show some rot before close many times, and not thick callous of slower Live Oak etc.
Seemed in especially similar species only so much food value taken in and could either grow powerful or fast, but not both from limited resource as any other engine transmission from same power source In this tradeoff. In this semi-tropical region , Live Oaks seem to take things even further as most likely to support fuller fauna of less volatile mosses etc. as set off fuller ecosystem than rest. Many trees get Spanish(might see as seat batting in old cars) and Ball Moss, but Old Live Oaks invite more species etc. somehow and seem more resistance to Ball and Spanish invasion. Live Oaks seem to be the extreme in so many measures as work with Nature best, to me Live Oaks seemed to know more secrets than rest. Always my benchmark species of extreme to rate the rest by. Faster growing trees seem more like weedy species many times, growing fast and almost failing under own weight as branches lost, more codoms etc. Harder woods with more btu, longer burn, slower growth, heavier wood seem to last longer here unless specific invasion against.
Lots of books showed Spanish and Ball Moses as no worry, speeches given etc. Arguments too. Anything that smothers that much from air and light ain't good. Old treeman told me once if Ball Mose walks collar around branch, it takes it's air. Never thought the air part was accurate, but it did seem it might as well be! Down here bunch or row of trees seem same moss buries some skips others. Spanish likes swamp like darkness, dampness, stillness, coolness etc. so mostly on inner and lower,more air and light can give drier less favorable enviro.