as i was shopping for fids i came across the Yale wire fid and i thought that would be a good one to get. but not liking the price point i began to search to deepest are darkest parts of the web. the Factor 55 fast fid is what i found and at 47 minus shipping i jumped on it. i am leaving this a a light review and just wanted to let the house know its out there. one feature i like about it, is that it comes with a velcro closing lid on the pouch for it, and the fid come apart by un screwing the wire part from the ruler part aka the metal piece with the point at the end. i have used it to splice 5/16 and 5/8 tenex the wire part is very versatile. i have even put a screw driver perpendicular through the wire part once it is free from the rope and used it to pull the fid out on tighter jacketed ropes.
the companys products are more towards trucks and wintching, they do have some cool unique thimbles or i think they call them splice on shackle mounts

the companys products are more towards trucks and wintching, they do have some cool unique thimbles or i think they call them splice on shackle mounts
Products | Factor 55 - Part 3