Eastern White Pine - Turning Brown


Jul 21, 2019
I have a white pine that's about 60 years old, and aside from occasional crowding and snow damage, it's appeared healthy. I've been seeing a lot of brown needles going all the way up the tree. Our spring has been pretty wet. Winter was warm, and from memory, maybe a little wetter than usual. Soil probably isn't ideal with a high clay content. Any ideas on what's wrong? Anything that can be done without chemicals? Maybe just wait if it was waterlogged? It would be a fun project taking it down, but I like the tree well enough, and would prefer it stayed.
I had one die. I can't remember if it turned brown from top down or bottom up. It had regular sized branches break off one side from an ice storm at least 5 or so years before, and it died at the end of a very dry year, though all the other pines survived. Maybe it got weakened enough for borders to get in, and borders let in fungus, which can move quickly through pine wood and bore tunnels.
Just noticed all the brown Pines today here in New Hampshire. I'm looking into the causes right now. I do know that last year was a very heavy Pine cone year and I have noticed in the past that after this happens, the next year in the spring a lot of the older needles turn brown and fall off, as the new ones come in. I really think that we are just seeing a natural cycle, but I am looking into it. Eastern White Pine is one of our cash, crop trees.

I will let you guys know what I find out. It is interesting that it seems to be happening all along the eastern States.
So it turns out to be needlecast fungi due to all the rain last season's rain, but as long as the trees are healthy there is nothing to be concerned about.

Here's more info from the last time that this happened.


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  • #7
Cool. I'm hoping it keeps going. Looks like I might lose some lower branches. It's a pretty ugly tree as far as form goes, but it's a tree, and makes everything green, so I like it.
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  • #9
She's dead Jim!


Well, all but. Barring a miracle, it looks like a removal this winter. There's a sassafras sapling behind it that I guess will be it's replacement. Another option would be removing the ugly Norway spruce that's next to it and installing another dawn redwood between the stumps. But that doesn't help the visual block of my neighbor in the winter. Maybe just some ERC. Those are nice, easy, and cheap(free).
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  • #11
Hemlock doesn't seem to do well around here. Woolly adelgid seems to be popular. I have a hemlock out front that's limping along, but it isn't healthy by any means, and it's been butchered by the line guys. I suspect that'll be a removal when sewer finally gets installed here. That's the likely route of the connection, or close enough anyway.
There is a lot of Dothistroma and Diplodia blight(s) in Montana depending on which side of the continental divide you are on. I am not sure if those diseases are common on the east coast.
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  • #13
Anyone have clever ideas for the spars assuming I remove them? I fired up a different browser, and watched a couple instagram vids here, and I liked the one with the builtin nesting boxes. This pine's a codom, and if I left 15'-20' standing, that would give a lot of room for a bird condo, or maybe something for bats. Anything I did would have to fairly simple. I could handle something like those nesting boxes, but I couldn't do anything too fancy.
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  • #14
We had storms come through last night, and some little branches came out of the pine. They were full of dead dry needles, so they haven't been dead long. Does this look like anything y'all recognize?

IMG_20240627_200437070.jpg IMG_20240627_200622695.jpg

The broken part looks weird to me. You can see the holes bugs made. Gently peeling the bark shows galleries and frass beneath the bark, and there's little brown bugs. Look familiar?
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  • #16
I'm a little bummed. I wasn't super attached to the tree, but I kind of liked it. I'm really appalled at the speed of decline. It looked great a few months ago, and now it's a crispy critter. I don't think I've ever seen a tree of any real size die so fast.
Pines get eaten fast when they die. Most trees do. It's like there's some everlasting little borers living of dust until the tree dies, then they bore in real quick. I've taken home firewood from a partially alive recent blowdown hickory, the wood was still quite fresh and wet inside, but months later, adult borers emerged from the pieces that had always been kept inside by the fireplace. The boreholes will let in fungus, which can quickly spread through the bore tunnels, making the sapwood soft in a few months.
Either the borers came since the death (or soon to be death) or they are the reason of the death. Our spruces where devastated a very few years ago. Quick dying everywhere, both in the natural areas and in the valleys, country, towns, forests, edges, gardens... At my parent's home in the country, some spruces died like the others. Some others where still fully green but the woodpecker found enough meat to peel off all the bark on their trunks. It seemed easy for him to shred the bark because it was already brown, half decayed. Very strange sight. The trees were alive, even healthy if we looked only at the crown, but they were condemned at very short time.
Yo!! I hadn’t read this thread till now, I thought it referred to an individual tree.

I’m in Maine, third of the way up the state, camp on a lake.

I was here last 10 months ago, there was nothing amiss.

Arrived late today and see 98% of the pines along the camp road are fully dead or dying. Many are mature white pines, 120’+, 100+ y o.

My mind is blown.

How widespread is this in The Pine Tree State?
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  • #21
Sucks, but it makes me feel a little better knowing there's issues elsewhere. It's been in the back of my head that I maybe brought a pathogen onto the property when I brought some gnarly spruce here to use as Swedish candles. I guess that still isn't off the table, but I'm doubting that was it for this, and other reasons. It just didn't "feel" quite right.
John, can you get a picture of the little brown bugs? I have a sneaking suspicion that more than one species of bug is involved in the demise of your tree, but I see in your pictures evidence of bark beetle.

We have a couple species out here in AZ, and they all have a symbiotic relationship with the blue stain fungus, and several other common features, such as attracting others of their species to the victim tree, via pheromones. Most trees in our forest have at least a few beetles, and live with them just fine, but sometimes the bugs just pick a tree, or a stand of trees and go nuts. Sometimes, a second invader, like another bug, or mistletoe, is enough to tip the balance.

We're currently losing quite a number of trees from the side of SR 260, all the way from Heber to Forest Lakes. I may venture out that way after the holiday and investigate, but nobody I've talked to has a clue.
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  • #23
I'll see what I can do. The bugs are tiny, and move fairly quickly. Might be hard getting a good pic.

It'll be interesting/horrifying to see how my lefthand neighbors do. They have two propertylines lined with white pine of a similar age as mine. I hope whatever got mine doesn't get in their trees.
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  • #25
My guys were about 1mm. Doesn't mean they were full grown examples though. Going from my brief viewing, they were roach brown, and didn't appear very durable, unlike bigger beetles I'm familiar with.