Mr. Sir
NO, not drum bearings it would shake at the least and self destruct.
The cutter bar is too high. Lower the cutter bar and put the blades out.

NO, not drum bearings it would shake at the least and self destruct.
The cutter bar is too high. Lower the cutter bar and put the blades out.
I have touched up the knives with a little kitchen sharpener thingie but never re-sharpened, doubt I have changed the angle enough to effect much.
Manual says to put knives 4 serrations out from drum - which they are - 1/4" would be way less. I was thinking of moving them out even more - thus "pulling" material more aggresively one would think.
The problem seems progressive with no change in knife / anvil position so bearings then me thinks.
I want a morbark so bad though - talking to finance guy tomorrow.
Funny you should mention that >>> Greenhorn never gave any specs on his chipper ???...no mo' chuck an duck
Sometimes with an older chuck and duck the 'floor' of the infeed is worn into a dish. This makes the material feed funky.
But unless you are getting real stringy chips, just remind yourself that chipping is alot better than cross cutting the stuff down in the back of the truck
Ya know, I just had a thought (yes I have them sometimes). If the knives were sharpened at the wrong angle, that would explain your troubles. If some low rent outfit did the sharpening and their cutter wheel was worn this could happen