Similar story, my parents had just gotten the families first cell phone, and they had me take it as I was running errands for them. Put it on the dash of the truck, and then while making a turn it slid out the window. I pulled over, ran back to get it, and just as I got there I watched it get smoked by a semi lol. They had one of those flexible cloth holders for it, which contained all of the pieces more or less, so I handed that to dad when I got back home and he couldn't help but to laugh.
One of his co-workers did an awesome prank on him once. He was a teacher, and one day finally broke down and got a laptop. It was pricey, and he completely babied it. So his buddy at work asked to borrow it, and he very reluctantly agreed. They had found a broken one, same model and everything, so they smashed it and put it in a box. A few hours later they brought the box to him and just said sorry don't know what happened lol. He let him stress over it all night too haahahaha