My dog is a fucker, runs off, attacks hedgehogs and anything else.
But there is no way on this God's earth I'd ever do that.
I'm not talking about the occasional foray into the neighbour's yard, but about being goine for hours, sometimes half days.
During which time I'd always be wondering if a car got him or a hunter. Remember Gerry's story about the little wiener dog that never came home?
My wife flat out refused to look after him, while we were in Norway the dogs were let out to piss and shit, the rest of the time they spent indoors.
Hunting is big business here.
About half of all the fat middleaged men in Denmark don green clothing and go hunting to try to regain some of their lost manliness ( The rest drive Harleys)
So the private forests make more revenue from renting out hunting rights and breeding and releasing millions of pheasants for massive "Shoots" then they do from timber production.
So the gamekeepers are quite literally death on loose dogs.
The only reason I can bring my dogs to work is that I over the last 30 years have got a reputation for having my dogs under total control.
If he had been seen running around in the woods, that would have ended.
In fact, if that woman had made a complaint to the State Forest, bringing them to work there would have ended, too.
No way I want to lose that.
Also, I think there may be a slight difference between being chased by a cute terrier and a 90 pds werewolf.
We just had dinner in the greenhouse.
For the first time in 2 years I didn't get up midway to check on Jack.